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Register for the 2024 Midwest Regional Meeting

by Sara Cottle
August 29, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 27


An English Gothic style catholic church.
Credit: Shutterstock
St. John's Parish is an English Gothic style church located on the Creighton University campus.

The Omaha Section of the American Chemical Society will host the 2024 Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM) Oct. 13–15 at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. The meeting theme is “Chemistry for a Healthy Heartland.” Details about the meeting can be found on the meeting website at

MWRM 2024 at a glance

Date: Oct. 13–15, 2024

Location: Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska

Contact: James Fletcher, general chair,; Joel Destino, program chair,


Technical program. Highlights of the meeting include a Sunday afternoon plenary lecture by Raychelle Burks, whom BBC Science Focus magazine listed as one of the “6 women who are changing chemistry as we know it” in 2021. The ACS Midwest Award Symposium will take place on Monday afternoon, featuring 2024 Midwest Award honoree Alexei Demchenko from Saint Louis University.

Special symposia include “Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery,” “Synthesis and Applications of Functional Polymeric Materials,” “Chemical and Biosensors for Diagnostic and Environmental Applications,” “Biomolecular Structure and Function,” “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improve Therapeutic Outcomes,” “Challenges in Chemical Measurements,” “Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry,” and many more. Details of over 20 invited and contributed technical sessions can be found at

Workshops. The meeting will kick off early Sunday afternoon with a high school programming workshop on the theme of “K–12/University Partnerships.” This session is designed for high school teachers and college or university professors interested in building such relationships in their area.

On Tuesday morning, two ACS Career Pathways workshops will be held: “Finding Yourself: Identifying a Career that Matches Your Strengths and Values” and “Networking: How to Get Started.” These workshops are suitable for graduate and undergraduate students, recent graduates, and experienced professionals considering a career change.

Undergraduate programming. On Sunday night and Monday morning, undergraduates can interact with representatives from more than a dozen graduate programs at exposition recruitment events. They can also attend an outing to the nearby Kiewit Luminarium science museum and participate in an undergraduate ice cream social on Sunday afternoon before the plenary lecture. Undergraduates who present posters will be eligible for Best Presentation awards, which ACS representatives will distribute after the conclusion of the meeting.

Exposition. A Sci-Mix poster session on Sunday evening will help kick off the exposition, which will run through midday Tuesday. The exposition offers a great opportunity to learn about the latest products on the market. A list of current sponsors and information for exhibitors are available at

Awards. The Midwest Award Symposium, featuring 2024 honoree Alexei Demchenko, will take place on Monday afternoon, followed by a reception and awards banquet that evening. Several other awards will be presented. These include the Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, the ACS Division of Chemical Education Regional Awards for Excellence in High School Teaching, the E. Ann Nalley Regional Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society, and the Partners for Progress and Prosperity Award.

A row of skyscrapers and downtown city buildings are in the distance with a river in the forefront.
Credit: Shutterstock
Buildings in downtown Omaha sit along the Missouri River.

Social events. In addition to the Sci-Mix poster session on Sunday evening, participants are invited to attend the Women Chemists Committee luncheon on Monday featuring ACS career consultant Lori Ana Valentin. A selection of sponsored social outings will also take place Monday evening at nearby off-campus venues. Attendees are encouraged to explore local restaurants, network, and experience all that downtown Omaha has to offer.

Lodging and registration. Early-bird registration for the meeting ends at 11:59 p.m. CDT on Sept. 12, but you can register at the on-site rate through the end of the meeting. Numerous hotels are located within a short distance of the on-​campus conference venue. A summary of available lodging options can be found at


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