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ACS News

Vermont makes Green Chemistry Week official in 2024

by Sara Cottle
July 8, 2024

Townhouses with a waterfront view line Lake Street in Burlington, Vermont.
Credit: Shutterstock

The governor of Vermont declared June 21–26, 2024, Green Chemistry Week in the state. The designation coincided with this year’s Green and Sustainable Chemistry Summer School (GSCSS), hosted by the American Chemical Society Green Chemistry Institute, which was held in Burlington at the University of Vermont.

The proclamation issued by Vermont’s executive department states, “A Proclamation, whereas, the principles of Green Chemistry support processes and products for the health of people and the planet; and whereas, a strong [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] workforce supports a vibrant economy; and whereas, Vermont supports innovation and independent thinking; and whereas, Vermont is a welcoming location for new people and new ideas; and whereas, Vermonters value education, as well as professional and life-long learning. Now, therefore, I, Philip B. Scott, Governor, hereby proclaim the June 21-26, 2024, as Green Chemistry Week in Vermont.”

GSCSS is a weeklong program for graduate students and postdoctoral chemists and engineers that has been hosted annually by the Green Chemistry Institute since 2003. The summer school usually features around 12 experts sharing skills and knowledge relevant to green chemistry and sustainability. Attendees participate in lectures and interactive project sessions, present their own research, and network.

Each year 60 students from a pool of applicants from North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean are selected to attend. Applications for 2025 will open in the fall of this year. For more information and to apply, visit



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