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Comment: Back to School with SOCED—supporting K–12 chemistry education this fall

by Michael R. Adams, chair, Society Committee on Education

September 7, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 28


Michael R. Adams.
Credit: Christine Brennan Schmidt

As we enter September, our thoughts turn to the opening of the new school year and the excitement and challenges that await educators and learners. I was one of those kids who loved the first day of school, not only because of the opportunity to reconnect with friends but also because of the anticipation of meeting my new teachers and discovering new things in the classroom. My greatest excitement was always for science, and this was especially true after I had my first real introduction to chemistry in middle school. My enthusiasm for chemistry continued as I entered high school—and I was fortunate to have teachers at that level who supported my interests and ambitions with equal enthusiasm.

As the 2024–25 academic year begins, the American Chemical Society and the Society Committee on Education (SOCED) look forward to serving and supporting learners and educators at all levels, including K–12.

The work of SOCED is guided by the ACS Strategic Plan. ACS strives to support excellence in education by fostering innovative, relevant, inclusive, and effective chemistry and chemistry-related education. The SOCED mission is to develop and promote policies, resources, and programs that advance chemistry education for all—and a specific goal of the SOCED strategic plan is to advance inclusive excellence for all learners.

To realize this vision and reach these goals, we need your help. Here are four ways you can support K–12 chemistry education this fall.

ACS strives to support excellence in education


As you advocate for investments that support teachers and educational partnerships, refer to the ACS Science Education Policy statement, which SOCED reviews and updates every 3 years. Directed to US policymakers, this statement calls for investment at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education to prepare current and future learners with scientific knowledge and skills to contribute to society and address global health, environmental, and economic challenges. The statement highlights the importance of science literacy in preparing the next generation of scientists and leaders.


As you interact with K–12 educators, learn about their activities and needs and help them connect with other educators, the chemistry community, and a growing collection of resources. Tapping into educators’ expertise and partnering with them is critical to advancing chemistry and developing scientifically literate global citizens.

ACS established the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) in 2014 to serve as a professional community of K–12 chemistry teachers. Now celebrating its 10th anniversary, AACT continues to inspire and empower K–12 educators and support their success by providing quality resources, professional development, and networking opportunities. Memberships in AACT can be sponsored by ACS members and local sections.

SOCED activities complement and leverage those of AACT. The committee is preparing to release revisions to the ACS Guidelines and Recommendations for Teaching Middle and High School Chemistry, which was last published in 2018. In these guidelines, educators will find strategies designed to help them support each and every student in chemistry and specific suggestions for helping students see themselves in chemistry. Informed by the increasing interest in the use and limitations of artificial intelligence in the classroom, the revised guidelines will help educators navigate this rapidly changing area.

SOCED also provides oversight to the US National Chemistry Olympiad. SOCED committee members are focusing on ways to broaden participation, starting with preparation for the local exams and expanding support for participating high school teachers and students.


As you interact with those interested in pursuing K–12 careers, provide encouragement and connections. National Science Foundation–funded Get the Facts Out project resources and ACS-Hach Programs for preservice and in-service teachers help support the recruitment and retention of K–12 educators. Students and preservice teachers also benefit from discounted membership in AACT.


As you work with your local section, highlight efforts to support K–12 education. Three of the ChemLuminary Awards that SOCED sponsors recognize ACS local sections for outstanding US National Chemistry Olympiad programs, high school student programs, and engagement with K–8 students. An award for outstanding AACT support is cosponsored by the AACT governing board.

Each of us can contribute to the efforts underway to support inclusive excellence in K–12 education. Working together across ACS and in our local communities, we can be more intentional, inclusive, innovative, and effective.

As SOCED pursues its vision of advancing chemistry education for all, support for the K–12 community is a priority. We invite you to learn more about these activities on the AACT website and in the Students and Educators, Careers, and Communities sections of the ACS website. And we encourage you to share information and insights from your experiences and send suggestions for opportunities to work together to

Views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of C&EN or ACS.



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