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For International District director: Hooi-Ling Lee

by Hooi-Ling Lee, candidate for International District director
September 7, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 28


Hooi-Ling Lee
Credit: Courtesy of the ACS Office of the Secretary & General Counsel
Hooi-Ling Lee

Malaysia International Chapter. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia.

Academic record: Universiti Sains Malaysia, BAS, (Honors), Industrial Chemistry, 2001; Universiti Sains Malaysia, MSc (Pharmacy), 2004; Dublin City University, Republic of Ireland, PhD (Surface Science), 2012.

Honors: US Fulbright-ASEAN Visiting Scholar Program, Recipient, 2021–22; ACS Volunteer of the Year, 2020; IKM Citation Award for meritorious service, Recipient, 2020; Endeavour Research Fellowship, 2018; Today Welcomes Tomorrow Panel, IUPAC100, Paris, Speaker, 2019; ACS Chemistry Ambassador, 2015. Recipient of multiple travel awards from ACS, RSC and the US State Department

Professional positions (for the past 10 years): Associate Professor, USM, 2021–present; Senior Lecturer (2012–21), School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, USM; Honorary Associate, The University of Sydney, Australia, 2018–20.

Service in ACS national office: Committee on International Activities, member, 2022–24, Associate member, 2020–21, Subcommittee 3: Chapter Development and Programs, Co-chairs, 2024. Working Group 4 (WG4) - Programming & International Chapter Development at IAC, chair, 2024, Diversity Equity Inclusion, and Respect, representative, 2021–22, Working Group 5 (WG5): International Chapter Support: The International Chapter Support Working Group member.

Service in ACS office: Malaysia International Chemical Sciences Chapter: Chair 2018–20, Co-Chair 2016–18, Treasurer, 2014–16, founding member.

Member: Member of ACS since 2013. Royal Chemistry Society, 2013–present; RSC Chartered Chemist, 2017–present; Fellow Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM), 2022–present; elected committee member for IKM Northern Branch, 2013, 2016, 2017–21, 2023.

Related activities: Science Leadership Working Group, Chair, 2020, Hon. Member of Young Scientists Network-Akademi Sains Malaysia (YSN-ASM); Science Outreach Committee, senior contributor, founding member, National Representative for Malaysia, 2024; International Younger Chemists Network, 2017–present; Associate Akademi Sains Malaysia, 2019–present; Scientific Advisory Board of National Authority of Chemical Weapon Convention (NACW Malaysia), Member, 2020–present; International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Global Women’s Breakfast Task group, 2020–present.

Lee’s statement

I am honored and privileged to present my candidature for the American Chemical Society’s International District director for the 2025–27 term. Being a female Asian candidate outside the US, I will provide a crucial and inclusive vision to the ACS global vision.

Through the experience of being the first female chair and a founding member of the ACS International Malaysia Chapter and an advisor for the ACS Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) International Student Chapter, I have developed vital leadership and interpersonal skills in promoting the ACS international vision. My experience has helped me to overcome many cultural barriers and I believe these attributes shall help me make the ACS better seen and heard worldwide. Besides, I have also been a member of the International Activities Committee since 2022 and chair of Working Group 4 - Programming & International Chapter Development for the Committee on International Activities from Jan.-March 2024, and later a co-chair of Subcommittee 3: International Chapter Development and Support Subcommittee, which will enhance my comprehension of supporting collaboration within ACS globally. My diverse and multi-faceted experience is dedicated to nurturing and advancing collaboration worldwide. I strive to work on issues that are related to the ACS core values including the following points:

Diversity, equity, inclusivity, and respect (DEIR) values

I have an enthusiasm for DEIR values in science. In my opinion, improvement comes from diverse perspectives, and hence, I will strongly encourage international voices, particularly from the Asia region to resonate within our active community. Furthermore, I am a mid-career stage researcher, and my current level will enable me to be a bridge between the junior and senior members of the ACS.

Focus on members: Collective international voices

My vision focuses on ACS’s global expertise to foster collaborations and execute the principles of DEIR. As a woman leader in this sector, I will promote gender equity and equal opportunities in our practice. I view the ACS to be like a lighthouse, where chemistry practitioners who want to succeed will achieve it regardless of their background. This is my objective manifesto outlining the objectives for this new role, fueled by strong motivation, that we aim to accomplish over a three-year term.

Lastly, it is a great privilege to be nominated as International District director. Combining my unique experiences and efforts in conformity with the ACS principles will empower me to participate in ACS’s further expansion. I welcome this opportunity to serve and take the ACS community to a higher notch. Please reach out to if you wish to contact me for suggestions.

Let’s build a common tomorrow by moving beyond the chemistry boundaries of today. Thank you.



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