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Actions from the ACS Board of Directors’ May 31 and June 1 session

by Sara Cottle
August 29, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 27


The American Chemical Society Board of Directors met in Washington, DC, May 31 and June 1 to consider strategic issues and take board actions. This executive session came after a strategic retreat that was focused on developing a vision to guide ACS into the future.

Highlights from the session are as follows:

In concurrence with items approved by ACS Council on March 20, the ACS Board approved the Petition to Remove Inconsistencies and Add Missing Provisions, the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Budget and Finance, the Petition to Change the Name of the Schedule of Membership to the Schedule of Dues and Benefits, the 2025 Schedule of Dues and Benefits, and the authorization of the creation of the Egypt and Guangdong, China, International Chemical Sciences Chapters.

The approval of a list of 69 Petroleum Research Fund Grants as recommended by the Committee on the Petroleum Research Fund.

Establishment of the Thomas H. Parliment Award for Advances in Flavor Chemistry as part of the National Awards program; this award will recognize scientists who have significantly contributed to the advancement of flavor chemistry.

The dissolution of the ACS India International Sciences Chapter, as recommended by the Committee on International Activities.

Members of the ACS Board receive ongoing training to support their role as fiduciaries, and their training this meeting focused on pensions and investments. The first of next year’s ACS Board meetings will take place June 12–14, 2025, in Washington, DC. The second will be held Dec. 12–14, 2025, in Honolulu, Hawaii, in conjunction with the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2025.

Discussion topics at this executive session included strategic discussions around membership; opportunities to improve ACS Board efficiency; next steps from the strategic retreat; and updates on the August board regular session, which was open to all ACS members attending ACS Fall 2024 in person on August 18, noon–1 p.m. (MDT), with a focus on artificial intelligence. The board had an opportunity to talk with incoming ACS secretary Kimberly Knight, who will officially join ACS on June 28. Tokë Vandervoort, ACS general counsel and interim secretary, also shared a reflection of her first 90 days at ACS.

Other reports from the session included updates from Al Horvath, ACS CEO, and his staff, an update from the Committee on Audits and Risk Management on driving a more risk-aware culture through ACS’s enterprise risk management program, and an update from the Committee on International Activities regarding its duties with International Chemical Sciences Chapters.



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