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Register for the 2024 Southwest Regional Meeting

by Sara Cottle
September 6, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 28


A close up of the Waco Convention Center entrance.
Credit: Hundley Photography/Shutterstock
The Waco Convention Center sits along the Brazos River in Waco, Texas.

The American Chemical Society Heart O’ Texas Section will host the 2024 Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) in Waco, Texas. The meeting will be 4 days of science and networking, Oct. 20–23, at the Waco Convention Center in downtown Waco on the Brazos River. Details can be found on the SWRM website at

SWRM 2024 at a glance

Dates: Oct. 20–23, 2024

Location: Waco Convention Center, Waco, Texas

Contact: Bob Kane, general chair,; Kevin Shuford, program chair,


Technical program. Over 880 technical presentations offer many options to keep abreast of cutting-edge science no matter what your specialty is. Keynote lectures highlight each evening: Paul Wender presents the Dial-Black Lecture on Sunday; Mark Johnson gives a Gooch-Stephens Lecture on Monday; and Andrew Ellington presents a Gooch-Stephens Lecture on Tuesday. All keynote lectures will begin at 6:00 p.m.

The meeting symposia cover all areas of chemistry, with 31 specialized technical symposia and 6 general symposia featuring oral presentations organized by discipline. Additional symposia focus on education and the academia-industry interface. Three evening poster sessions will provide an environment for browsing through science research while socializing and enjoying refreshments.

Workshops. ACS career workshops on Monday, Oct. 21, include “Acing the Interview: Setting Yourself Up for Success in an Interview” in the morning and “Finding Yourself: Identifying a Career that Matches Your Strengths and Values” in the afternoon.

Undergraduate programming. A robust undergraduate program on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 20 and 21, includes prizes for exceptional oral and poster presentations, a graduate school recruiting fair and panel, and an undergraduate social and lunch.

Exposition. The exposition hall will be open Sunday through Tuesday, Oct. 20–22, with the latest instruments, supplies, and services on display. The exposition offers an excellent opportunity to talk with experts and learn about advances in instrumentation.

Awards. The Southwest Regional ACS Award for contributions to the advancement of chemistry, the E. Ann Nalley Regional Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society, the Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences, the Partners for Progress and Prosperity (P3) Award, and the Southwest Regional Award for Excellence in High School Teaching will be presented at the meeting. The regional awards luncheon will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 23, at noon (CDT).

Lodging and registration. Registration is now open. Early-bird registration for the meeting ends on Sept. 20 at 11:59 p.m. (EDT). Room blocks are available in the conference hotels: the Waco Hilton (attached to the Waco Convention Center) and the Marriott Courtyard (just across the street). Visit for more details on lodging and registration.



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