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ACS launches 2 new journals

ACS Agricultural Science & Technology and ACS Food Science & Technology will open for submissions in September

by Linda Wang
August 12, 2020

Cover of ACS Agricultural Science & Technology .
Credit: ACS Publications

The American Chemical Society is launching two new journals, ACS Agricultural Science & Technology and ACS Food Science & Technology, which will focus on agricultural and food sciences, technology, and engineering. Thomas F. Hofmann, editor in chief of the parent journal, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, will lead both journals, which open for submissions in September.

Cover of ACS Food Science & Technology.
Credit: ACS Publications

“Food and agricultural research are crucial topics as we confront a world changing rapidly in the face of multiple challenges,” said James Milne, president of ACS Publications. “With these new journals, ACS is developing a home for scientists researching solutions to these global threats.”

“More than ever before, the demand for efficient solutions to overcome increasing challenges in agricultural practices, food quality and supply, and nutritional health calls for new science and technology,” Hofmann said.

Coralia Osorio Roa, professor of chemistry at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, will serve as deputy editor of ACS Food Science & Technology, which will focus on new research related to the characterization, development, processing, and safety of foods. Topics will include food security, food preservation, and health-promoting food ingredients.

Photo of Coralia Osorio Roa.
Credit: Courtesy of Coralia Osorio Roa
Coralia Osorio Roa

Laura L. McConnell, principal scientist at Bayer CropScience, will serve as the deputy editor of ACS Agricultural Science & Technology, which will focus on the role of agricultural science and technology in addressing humanity’s most urgent challenges. Topics will include plant science, soil and environmental science, and agricultural engineering and regulation.

Photo of Laura McConnell.
Credit: Courtesy of Laura McConnell
Laura McConnell

“Working on food development and sustainability is a big need in today’s world,” Roa said. “ACS Food Science & Technology will address the challenges we face globally and especially in a post-pandemic world, finding solutions through science and technology and strengthening international cooperation.”

ACS Agricultural Science & Technology will provide an exciting platform to envision creative and innovative pathways towards a more sustainable and productive future for our planet,” said McConnell.


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