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Evolution of Imported Drugs

January 14, 2008 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 86, Issue 2

Executive Compensation Information Available

Information from the American Chemical Society's 2006 Form 990 is now available to ACS members on To access the information, please have your ACS membership number handy and follow these instructions: Go to In the upper right-hand corner, log in. If you are already a registered user, enter your user name and password. If you're a new user, follow the link and register (a process that requires your ACS membership number and takes less than a minute). Once you have logged in, you will see a link titled "Member Information." Click on this link, go to the heading "Your Organization" at the bottom of the screen, and click on the link titled "Access the Compensation of ACS Officers and Key Employees." You will immediately go to the introductory text; the Form 990 is available by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page titled "2006 Compensation Schedules." If you have any problems, contact

This is a response to the editorial "Pharma's Evolution" (C&EN, Nov. 26, 2007, page 3) and to two articles appearing in the same issue "Risks from Foreign Drug Imports" (page 38) and "Shopping the World" (page 13). All three make it clear why U.S. firms shop all over the world for drug substances, drug products, and contract research organizations—price. Is that enough to put patients at risk?

If the Food & Drug Administration could inspect only 13 of 714 Chinese and 65 of 410 Indian drug exporting firms during fiscal-year 2007, then these drugs are either okay by FDA standards or they should not be coming into our country. Perhaps there are trade agreements outside the control of FDA that allow this. But if these drugs are okay, why does FDA find fault with U.S. drug manufacturers who are likely in superior shape compared with these foreign exporting firms?

I do not think the solution is more money and more personnel for FDA. The bigger FDA gets, the less efficient it will be. The answer may be to stop spending so much to regulate U.S. manufacturers and either concentrate on the foreign importers or do not allow their products entry at least until an inspection has been held. As for U.S. firms, they are convenient, easy to inspect, and give a feeling of accomplishment to FDA personnel who find problems.

We as a society should stop criticizing the U.S. drug industry for its pricing. You can get cheaper drugs, but at what risk? Of course, if you are injured, you can always hire a lawyer to sue the drug firm. And if you drive them out of business, I'm sure China and India will be happy to fill in.

Robert A. Jerussi
Fairfax, Va.

Thanks to Bette Hileman for her excellent article "Risks from Foreign Drug Imports." It was both informative and very depressing. I suddenly felt the need for some Prozac but then wondered where in the world it was manufactured? At least when I buy clothes, a label identifies the country of origin. I should certainly have that information when buying drugs.

Allen A. Denio
Newark, Del.


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