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Toxicology Journal Enhanced

Chemical Research in Toxicology now carries news and a more international flavor

by Sophie L. Rovner
February 11, 2008 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 86, Issue 6

Chemical Research in Toxicology is introducing new features beginning with January's 20th-anniversary issue.
Credit: Chem. Res. Toxicol.
Credit: Chem. Res. Toxicol.

THE AMERICAN Chemical Society is expanding the features offered by its Chemical Research in Toxicology journal. Making its debut with the 20th-anniversary January issue, the new design was "developed specifically to engage a broader and more international audience," says Evelyn Jabri, senior acquisitions editor for ACS journals.

"I'm really excited about the expanded vision for the journal and I'm extremely grateful to ACS," says Lawrence J. Marnett, editor of Chemical Research in Toxicology. The society's investment in the project "shows a lot of confidence in the direction of the journal," adds Marnett, who is a professor of cancer research and of biochemistry, chemistry, and pharmacology at Vanderbilt University. The monthly journal covers structural, mechanistic, and technological advances in research related to the toxic effects of chemical agents.

Among the new features being introduced is "In This Issue," a collection of brief descriptions of selected articles from each month's issue. The new "Spotlight" section showcases the latest toxicology news drawn from other journals.

The January issue also features the first in a series of invited guest editorials. These articles will offer prominent scientists from around the world an opportunity to air their views on toxicology in their own countries. Hiroshi Yamazaki of the drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics laboratory at Showa Pharmaceutical University, in Tokyo, wrote the first editorial, on the topic of toxicological issues of importance in Japan.

"Like everything else in our fast-moving world, toxicology is international in scope," Marnett notes in an editorial in the issue. "However, the problems, opportunities, and challenges differ from continent to continent and, in some cases, from country to country." The international guest editorials are "intended to illuminate these issues and to create an international community of educated readers with appreciation for their colleagues around the world," he adds.

In February, the journal will begin publishing additional perspectives written by members of the editorial advisory board about their latest research.

The journal's website has also been redesigned to enhance functionality and display capabilities.


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