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Two candidates will vie for the office of president-elect of the American Chemical Society for 2012 in this fall’s election. They are Dennis Chamot, associate executive director of the National Research Council’s Division on Engineering & Physical Sciences, in Washington, D.C., and Marinda Li Wu, founder and president of Science is Fun!, in Orinda, Calif. The successful candidate will serve as ACS president in 2013 and as a member of the ACS Board of Directors from 2012 to 2014.
Candidates for director of District III are Pat N. Confalone, vice president of global R&D at DuPont Crop Protection, in Wilmington, Del., and David J. Lohse, retired distinguished research associate at ExxonMobil Research & Engineering, in Annandale, N.J.
District III consists of members assigned to or residing in local sections with headquarters in Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania (except the Central Pennsylvania, Erie, Lehigh Valley, Penn-York, Pittsburgh, and Susquehanna Valley Sections), Maryland (except the Western Maryland Section), and the District of Columbia.
District VI will also be holding elections for director. Candidates are Bonnie A. Charpentier, vice president of regulatory and quality at Metabolex, in Hayward, Calif., and Carlos G. Gutierrez, a professor of chemistry at California State University, Los Angeles.
District VI consists of members assigned to or residing in the local sections with headquarters in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming and those members with addresses in the states of Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington; in the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan; and in the extraprovincial territories of Canada who are not assigned to local sections.
Candidates running for two director-at-large positions are Ken B. Anderson, a professor of geochemistry at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, and chief executive officer of Thermaquatica, in Carbondale; William F. Carroll Jr., vice president of Occidental Chemical, in Dallas, and adjunct industrial professor of chemistry at Indiana University, Bloomington; Charles E. Kolb, president and CEO of Aerodyne Research, in Billerica, Mass.; and Barbara A. Sawrey, associate vice chancellor of academic affairs at the University of California, San Diego. The successful candidates for the two positions will serve three-year terms from 2012 to 2014.
All voting members of ACS will receive ballots enabling them to vote for president-elect. Only members with mailing addresses in Districts III and VI will receive ballots to vote for director in those districts. Only voting councilors will receive ballots for the director-at-large elections.
All ballots will be mailed on Sept. 30. The deadline for voting or return of marked ballots, which can be done online or by paper ballot, respectively, is close of business on Nov. 18.
The ACS Committee on Nominations & Elections did not provide candidates with specific questions to frame their statements. Information about ACS policies for elections and campaigning can be found in Bulletin V, Bylaw 5, Section 13 and in “Guidelines for Campaigning & Communication.” Candidates’ views have also been posted online at
Chemical Society of Washington Section. National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Academic record: Polytechnic University, B.S., M.S., 1964; University of Illinois, Ph.D., 1969; University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, M.B.A., 1974
Honors: Henry A. Hill Award, Division of Professional Relations, ACS, 1992; Charles Gordon Award, Chemical Society of Washington Section, ACS, 1986; Phi Kappa Phi; Sigma Xi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Professional positions (for past 10 years): National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, Division on Engineering & Physical Sciences, associate executive director, 2001– ; Commission on Engineering & Technical Systems, deputy executive director, 1999–2000, associate executive director, 1994–99
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, director-at-large, 2002–12; councilor ex officio, 2002–12; Executive Committee, 2004; Committee on Budget & Finance, 2005–12, chair, 2007–09, committee associate, 2004; Board of Trustees, Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members, 2004–12; Committee on Planning, 2007–08, 2004; Committee on Executive Compensation, 2009–11, chair, 2011; Committee on Professional & Member Relations, 2006–10, 2003, Globalization Task Force, chair, 2007; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2003–05; Council Policy Committee (nonvoting), 2007–09, 2001–02, (voting), 1999–2000; Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs, 2001–02, 1995–98, chair, 2001–02; Committee on Project SEED, chair, 1992–94; Committee on Professional Relations, 1988–91, secretary, 1988–89, consultant, 1992–93, committee associate, 1984–86, 1976–77; Committee on Economic Status, 1978–86; Younger Chemists Committee, 1973–74, task force chair, 1973; Professional Programs Planning & Coordinating Committee (PROPPACC), 1982; Member Advisory Board, chair, 1973; Presidential Task Force To Study & Make Recommendations on Issues Concerning Women in Chemical Professions, 2000–02; Task Force on Council Committee Size, 2000–01; Task Force on Occupational Safety & Health, 1987–94
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1965. Division of Professional Relations: councilor, 1975–02; chair, 1982; chair-elect, 1981; Executive Committee, 1972–02; Editor, Professional Relations Bulletin, 1972–2008. Chemical Society of Washington Section: Publicity Committee, 1988–90. Delaware Section: alternate councilor, 1973–74; Younger Chemists Committee chair, 1971; Editor, Del-Chem Bulletin, 1972–74
Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science; Alpha Chi Sigma. ACS Division: Professional Relations
Related activities: National Science Foundation Advisory Council, member, 1984–89; Informal Science Education Oversight Committee, National Science Foundation, chair, 1985–86; Society for Occupational Environmental Health, secretary-treasurer, 1978–82; chaired several ACS symposia; served on study and advisory committees at the National Science Foundation, National Research Council, Competitiveness Policy Council, U.S. Department of Labor, National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
These are great times for chemistry, but not for many chemical professionals. Great advances are being made at the atomic, molecular, and nano levels leading to major scientific advances, new materials, improved and highly sophisticated approaches in medicine, wonderful new devices in a whole range of applications, and yet
◾ The unemployment rate among chemists is the highest in memory.
◾ Industry R&D has been moving offshore.
◾ Budgets for state colleges and universities are being slashed.
We can talk about improving K–12 education, but how do we do that in the face of decreasing resources? We can talk about increasing support for R&D, but where are the domestic industry or government funding increases going to come from? We can talk about job creation, but where are these jobs going to come from in the short term?
ACS is a great institution, and it offers many services to both employed members and job seekers. These efforts need to be continued and expanded, but we need to do much more to work with those in a position to affect the problems we identify. It is not enough to tell chemists to be flexible or to seek employment overseas (not a viable option for many).
We cannot reverse these trends overnight, but we can work more proactively with industry, government, and academic leadership to change direction. I seek the presidency of ACS to lead this effort and to put my experience and talents to full use for the members of the society.
As president, I will seek
◾ To engage in direct discussions with corporate and political leaders to promote actions that would make the U.S. a more attractive place for corporate investment. As some of the disincentives for offshoring become more pronounced—for example, rising wage rates in developing countries, long product transit times, uncertain supply chains, and lack of access to scarce materials—the time is ripe to shift the discussion to the advantages of doing more domestically.
◾ To increase interaction with our governors and state legislators to promote support of educational institutions within their states as necessary investments in their futures.
◾ To expand our efforts with Congress and the federal executive agencies to promote not only increased research budgets but also development of programs that will create expanded job opportunities beyond the laboratory.
I have for several years been an active and influential member of the ACS Board of Directors and Council, always stressing the interests of our members. The Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs (CEPA) began its examination of globalization and its effects under my chairmanship; I was one of the founders of the Division of Professional Relations and served as one of its councilors for many years; I chaired the ACS Budget & Finance Committee through the bleak years of 2008–09, guiding successful efforts to preserve the financial health of ACS; I was appointed chair of the Committee on Project SEED when that program, designed to introduce economically disadvantaged high school students to the world of chemistry, was in danger of collapsing, and I left it healthy and on the path to growth. In my “day job” at the National Academy of Sciences, I meet frequently with government officials and corporate executives. For more information, see
Diminished resources for education result not only in challenges for our faculty and students but also in widespread lack of science literacy among the public and our political leaders. Shifting corporate investments offshore diminishes job opportunities at home. Gridlock in government, combined with economic uncertainties in Europe and elsewhere, prevents funding of major new initiatives.
The problems we face are great, but so is the opportunity to make a difference. I have spent most of my career, both within ACS and outside, studying and dealing with these issues. This is not a time for empty rhetoric. I make no promises I cannot keep, but I keep the promises I make.
The strength of ACS is its members. If we do what is best for our members, we will be doing what is best for ACS and for chemistry. I am honored to have been chosen as a candidate for president-elect—a great opportunity to make a difference. I seek your support so that I may work with you to make things better!
For more information, see
California Section. Science is Fun!, Orinda, Calif.
Academic record: Ohio State University, B.S. cum laude with distinction in chemistry, 1971; University of Illinois, Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry, 1976
Honors: Walter Petersen Award for Outstanding Service, ACS California Section, 2005; ACS Legislative Action Network Honor Roll, 2003; ACS President’s Award for Outstanding Work To Promote the Public Image of Chemistry, 2002; ACS President’s Award for Outstanding Local Section Government Affairs, 2001; ACS President’s Award for Leadership of the California Section as its Centennial Chair, 2001; ACS California Section, Women Chemists Committee, Outstanding Service Award, 2001; National Women’s History Month Woman in Science Invited Lecturer, Women in STEM Center, Middle Tennessee State University, 2011; Award for Contributions to Excellence in Education, Orinda Union School District, 2003; Special Recognition Award, Dow Chemical Central Research, 1989; Chemistry Department Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois, 1975; National Defense Education Act Predoctoral Fellow, 1971–74; National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Fellow, 1970–71; Ohio State University Undergraduate Research Fellow, 1969–70; Mirrors Honorary Society, Ohio State University; Iota Sigma Pi, vice president, 1970–71; Phi Lambda Upsilon, vice president, 1970–71; Kappa Kappa Gamma, treasurer, 1968–71, Outstanding Senior Award, 1971, Senior Most Dedicated to Her Field Award, 1971; Phi Beta Kappa, 1971
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Science is Fun!, founder and president, 1993–
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, director-at-large, 2007–11; councilor ex officio, 2007–11; Committee on Grants & Awards, 2007–11, Awards Review Committee, chair, 2008–09, 2011, consultant, 2010, ACS AWARDS Action Group, 2010–11; Committee on Professional & Member Relations, 2007–11; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2009; Council Policy Committee (nonvoting), 2003–05; Committee on Chemistry & Public Affairs, committee associate, 2006–09, consultant, 2010–11; Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs, 2001–05, chair, 2003–05, committee associate, 1997–98, consultant, 1999; Committee on Public Relations 1998–99, committee associate, 1997–98; Committee on Local Section Activities, committee associate, 1999–2000; Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs, Employment Services Advisory Board, 1997–99; Committee on Local Section Activities, Task Force on New Awards, chair, 1999–2000; Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs, Task Force on Globalization Issues, 2004–05; Chemistry Enterprise 2015 Governance Advisory Team, 2005
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1971. California Section: councilor, 1996–2006; chair, 2001; chair-elect and program chair, 2000; Board of Directors, director, 2000–08; Executive Committee, 1994– ; Government Affairs Committee chair, 2006– ; Science Café Program cochair, 2007– ; Awards Committee chair, 2006; Long-Range Planning Committee, 2001–06, chair, 2002; Centennial Celebration Committee chair, 2001; National Historic Chemical Landmark Committee, 2001–02; Nominations & Elections Committee chair, 2002; Local Section Career Program coordinator, 2000– ; Career Assistance & Transition Group, founder and cochair, 2000– ; Public Relations Committee cochair, 1996–2004; National Chemistry Week coordinator, 1996–99; Employment Committee, 1994– ; Women Chemists Committee, 1993– , chair, 1994, cochair, 1999, 1997, 2009. Western Regional Meeting: Women Chemists Symposium chair, 2006
Member: Association for Women in Science; Chinese-American Chemical Society, Board of Directors. ACS Divisions: Business Development & Management, Professional Relations, Small Chemical Businesses
Related activities: California Government & Legislative Affairs (CA-GALA), 2008– ; Chinese-American Chemical Society Communications Advisory Board, 2007– ; ACS Ambassador to Chinese-American Chemical Society, 2007–08; ACS Communications Plan Advisory Group, 2008; ACS Career Workshop, presenter, 2000– ; Local Section Activities Committee, liaison to National Chemistry Week (NCW) Task Force, contributor to NCW Handbook “Guaranteed to Succeed,” 1999–2000; ACS Legislative Action Network, 1999– ; Dow Chemical Co., Dow Plastics, Central Research Laboratory, 1976–92; seven U.S. patents; numerous publications; polymer textbook chapter; keynote speaker
I love our profession and the broad impact we chemists have on improving the quality of life.
No profession has greater impact than CHEMISTRY on health, food, water, energy, the environment, and so much more. There is no society that can have greater impact on our profession than ACS.
But I am also deeply concerned by tough challenges we face:
◾ Record unemployment/underemployment among members
◾ Widespread science illiteracy, declining science and engineering enrollment
◾ Underappreciation of chemistry and persistent misperceptions
◾ Increasing global competition and commoditization of chemical products
This is not a time for prolonged debate but for action. Throughout my life, I have succeeded in turning challenges into opportunities by creatively thinking through problems, building bridges, and getting things done. As ACS president, I will actively lead as a catalyst for positive change and tackle these challenges with vigor and creativity.
Increase Support for Lifelong Career and Professional Development. Layoffs continue. Job security no longer exists. As a longtime ACS Career Workshop presenter, I understand the need to increase career support and develop innovative ways to better equip members for today’s competitive work environment.
I will actively work with leaders from industry, small business, academia, and government to explore supply and demand of jobs and how ACS can better help with retraining and professional growth. Senior chemists offer an untapped resource.
Advocate To Improve the U.S. Job Climate. I have worked for years to increase awareness among legislators and the general public of the importance of science literacy, education, and R&D. Let’s work together now to improve the U.S. business climate and rebuild our jobs base. ACS must partner with other organizations when interacting with federal and state legislators.
To foster new technologies and domestic jobs, we must advocate for tax credits and more competitive trade policies, reduced regulatory and economic barriers, and better intellectual property protection. Our collective advocacy to support jobs creation, research, and education is more critical than ever to reinvigorate our economy and the chemistry enterprise.
Lead and Collaborate Globally. Chemistry is global, and ACS must value the needs of domestic members as a top priority. We cannot stop globalization, but we can engage in more meaningful dialogue with sister societies worldwide to advance chemistry.
My ACS Comments in C&EN “Global Collaboration and Challenges” (Feb. 18, 2008, page 41) and “Chemistry Ambassadors Go Global” (Sept. 13, 2010, page 40) highlight potential opportunities abroad for ACS to leverage and explore. With connections in Asia, Europe, and South America, I will help ACS build stronger beneficial relationships in our international endeavors.
Enhance Communications and Collaborations. ACS possesses an unparalleled ability to enable more cross-fertilization across boundaries—interdisciplinary, international, and between industry, academia, and government. As ACS president, I will promote effective communications and collaborations to successfully address challenges.
Increased efficiency, prudent actions, inclusivity, transparency, fiscal responsibility, and strategic collaborations are critical. I have always served member interests and welcome your input at
Collaboration. I have 40 years of experience in R&D, sales and marketing, and science education—from entrepreneurial endeavors to large chemistry enterprises. Over the past three decades, I forged successful partnerships among business, education, government, and communities. My diverse experiences, multicultural background, and extensive world travels equip me well to help ACS build bridges for strategic collaborations.
Change Agent. I served as a catalyst for positive change even when skeptics said it couldn’t be done. I founded Science is Fun! to inspire enthusiasm for science in young students. I initiated a popular Family Science Night tradition, impacting many thousands of students and families. I launched the Seaborg Tribute, introducing crowds of more than 50,000 at UC Berkeley football games to National Chemistry Week. I organized successful Science Cafés for the general public with standing-room-only crowds, attracting positive media attention.
Extensive ACS Leadership Experience. As chair of the Committee on Economic & Professional Affairs , I sought to improve job and employment services for members. I created the first Task Force on Globalization Issues, involving stakeholders across ACS. As director-at-large, I seek members’ input at regional meetings. I work hard to listen to and address member concerns. See for details on my leadership roles at local, regional, and national levels.
I have not only the energy and determination but the passion, understanding, and leadership experience to represent your interests, build bridges, and help our society turn challenges into opportunities.
As president, I will visit local sections to hear your concerns and suggestions. Together we can make things happen! I pledge to support member needs and serve as an ambassador and catalyst for positive change.
Delaware Section. DuPont, Wilmington, Del.
Academic record: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., 1967; Harvard University, M.S., 1968; Harvard University, Ph.D. (R. B. Woodward), 1970
Honors: American Association for the Advancement of Science, fellow, 2001; Harvard Graduate Society Prize, 1968; Alpha Chi Sigma Award, 1967; Robert A. Welch Foundation Lecturer, 1988–89; Esther Humphrey Lecturer, 1990; Samuel M. McElvain Industrial Speaker, 1982
Professional positions (for past 10 years): DuPont, Global Research & Development, Crop Protection, vice president, 2003– ; Adaptive Therapeutics, Research & Development, vice president, 2003; Bristol-Myers Squibb, Process Research & Development, senior director, 2001–02; DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Chemical Process Research & Development, senior vice president, 1995–2001; DuPont-Merck, Medicinal Chemistry, executive director, 1988–95
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, District III, director, 2009–11; councilor ex officio, 2009–11; Committee on Budget & Finance, 2010–12, chair, 2011; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2009–11; Committee on Chemistry & Public Affairs, 1995–2004, chair, 1997–98, committee associate, 1994, consultant, 2005–07; Green Chemistry Institute Governing Board, 2010–12; Presidential Task Force on Innovation in the Chemical Enterprise, 2010; Task Force on National Institutes of Health, 1992–93
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1970. Division of Organic Chemistry: chair, 1988–89; chair-elect, 1987–88; Executive Committee, 1985–90, chair, 1988; ACS Workshop on Chemistry, 1977
Member: Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Educational Council, New York Academy of Sciences, International Society of Heterocyclic Chemists, Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Drug Information Association, International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Harvard Association of Chemists, American Association for the Advancement of Science. ACS Divisions: Medicinal Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Related activities: Governing Board, Council for Chemical Research (CCR), 2009– ; U.S. National Committee, IUPAC, 2008– ; Board of Directors, Delaware Technology Park, 2006– ; Scientific Advisory Boards of Development Stage Biopharmaceutical Companies, 2003– ; Editorial Advisory Boards of Current Drugs, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Organic Chemistry, Synlett, Progress in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Research, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Current Opinion on Drug Discovery & Development, Drug Design & Discovery, and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. FACS-4, International Conference, chair, 1992–94; International Society of Chemical Ecology, councilor, 1990; Drew University, adjunct professor, 1990–97; French-American Chemical Society, cofounder, 1989; Gordon Research Conference, Natural Products, elected chair, 1982–83; Rutgers University, adjunct professor, 1977–79; ACS Workshop, invitee, 1977
I have been honored to serve ACS members on the board of directors as the District III representative (2009–11) and now seek your support for a second term. We have weathered the turbulence of the Great Recession and are hopeful for a sustainable recovery despite the substantial headwinds facing the global economy at this time. Many difficult decisions have been made to ensure the financial vitality of the society in the past three years. Throughout the crisis, the board continued to implement all elements of our strategic plan and is now able to bring even greater intensity to the many challenges and opportunities that ACS faces in the next decade.
During the course of my career, I have accepted academic invitations to chemistry departments, giving seminars and meeting with faculty and students. These interactions over the years have deepened my understanding of the critical importance of R&D funding and the disastrous effects of budget cuts on research programs and science education. I have consulted for and worked with start-up companies and appreciate the opportunities as well as the entrepreneurial challenges they face.
Finally, I believe that my 40 years of experience in leading industrial R&D groups in the chemical sciences, enjoying adjunct professorships, serving on various boards of directors and scientific advisory boards, along with participation in ACS governance and other society activities, have provided the management and leadership skills that are critical to meeting the challenges our society faces. In a rapidly evolving world in which the only constant is change, I will place a high priority on the following issues in my second term on the board of directors:
American Competitiveness and Innovation. Although the new millennium began as the second “American Century,” I am very concerned that it will not end that way. The science gap of the Sputnik era has been replaced by a “quiet crisis” pointing to a future noncompetitive workforce. Last year, I worked on the Presidential Task Force on Innovation in the Chemical Enterprise. Our report identified many actionable programs ACS should undertake to enable innovation, including the development and training of entrepreneurs, leading ultimately to the creation of STEM-based jobs.
Further Enhance and Communicate Member Benefits. The mission of ACS is “to advance the profession of chemistry and the careers of its practitioners.” The society continues to develop programs aimed at enhancing member benefits in areas as wide-ranging as leadership training, job opportunities, virtual interviews, and the ACS Network. I will champion the continued rapid adoption of new technology platforms such as smartphones and tablet computing, along with social networking applications such as Facebook and Twitter. The board will take a more active role in ensuring that a portfolio approach is applied to society programs, prioritizing them so the most important programs are resourced to win. Communication of the value proposition to current and potential members is critically important.
Employment in the Chemical Enterprise. ACS must be more responsive to the turmoil that continues to engulf so many of our members. Our society must take further steps to provide for retraining, networking, outplacement services, continuing education, and portable pensions designed for total career management. The “brain drain” in academia, in which top talent is relocating to overseas opportunities and U.S. universities are establishing branch campuses outside the country, has serious negative implications for our global leadership in science and technology.
Expand the Global Presence of ACS. As the world’s largest chemical society, we must define an expanded role in the global chemical enterprise and establish ACS as the leader on the international stage. This effort will further enhance the value to our domestic membership as the threats and challenges of globalization are put into perspective, potentially becoming opportunities.
Science and Math Education. The economic superpowers of the future will boast an ambitious, energetic, highly skilled technical workforce and populace. ACS must continue to play a leadership role in all aspects of science and math education, from K–12 through undergraduate and graduate programs. We must ensure that this next generation of instructors and mentors are truly world-class, with science majors teaching science in our schools.
Federal R&D Funding and Government Affairs. We must demand competitive funding flows into NIH, NSF, DOE, DOD, and other agencies where basic research in the chemical and physical sciences will lead to high-tech job creation. Our energetic programs in government affairs, public relations, sponsorship of ACS congressional fellows, and frequent visits to federal agencies and Capitol Hill will ensure that federal funding of R&D and graduate education remains a top priority.
Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering (Trenton Section). ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co., Annandale, N. J. (Retired)
Academic record: Michigan State University, B.S. (Physics), 1974; B.S. (Computer Science), 1974; University of Illinois, Ph.D. (Materials Science), 1978
Honors: ACS Fellow, 2010; Cooperative Research Award, ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 2010; Distinguished Service Award, ACS Division of Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, 2008; Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering, fellow, 2005; American Physical Society, fellow, 2000; NRC/NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, 1978–80
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Retired, June 2011; ExxonMobil Research & Engineering Co., Corporate Strategic Research Labs, distinguished research associate, 1988–2011; Exxon Chemical Co., staff engineer, 1980–88
Service in ACS national offices: Council Policy Committee, (nonvoting), 2010; Committee on Divisional Activities, 2005–10, chair, 2010, committee associate, 2004; Board Committee on Planning, (nonvoting), 2010
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1977. Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group, chair, 2011; Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering Division: councilor, 2003–11, chair, 1998, chair-elect, 1997, vice chair, 1996, secretary, 1995, program chair, 1993
Member: American Physical Society, New York Academy of Sciences, Society of Plastics Engineers. ACS Divisions: Polymer Chemistry, Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering
Related activities: Editorial boards, European Polymer Journal, Advances in Polymer Technology; chair of seven symposia at ACS national meetings; Polymer Symposium, chair, MARM, 1992; New York Academy of Sciences, Polymers Section, chair, 1990–92; Rubber Division Meeting, symposium chair, 1986; 116 peer-reviewed publications (including coauthoring the book “Polymeric Compatibilizers”); more than 100 invited talks at national and international meetings; 36 granted U.S. patents
I am honored to stand as a candidate to represent District III as a director. ACS has played a critical role in my scientific career for the past 35 years, and I am glad to serve ACS to help foster the careers of others in the chemical enterprise. Here are a few of the many challenges and opportunities we face in ACS:
Maintaining our strengths. There are many ways in which we need to grow, but the first priority is to secure those aspects of ACS that have made it the premier scientific society in the world. One part of this is to ensure the sustainability of ACS by keeping it financially strong. We must also make sure that the various components of our organization—local sections, technical divisions, professional staff, and committees—have the means to be strong contributors to ACS. As a member of the Divisional Activities Committee (DAC) for the past six years, and especially as chair in 2010, I have seen how critical is the interaction between ACS as a whole and its constituent parts. We restructured the divisional allocation formula both to support the programming that helped make ACS meetings as strong as possible and also to ensure that the divisions stay relevant to the needs of their own members. Only from such a strong foundation can we build ACS out in the new directions we need to grow for the future.
Serving chemistry at the borders with other disciplines. Although the main structure of ACS is well suited to support the development of science and technology in the core areas of chemistry, we also need to find ways to give the same support in those areas that fall between traditional disciplines. One way to do this is to help the divisions meet the needs of the membership by adapting their structure to changes in these fields, as we have done in DAC by helping new divisions form and facilitating others to merge. The thematic programming at national meetings that has been run by the Multidisciplinary Program Planning Group for the past several years is another way to encourage programming at these interfaces, and I continue to be involved in this effort as chair of MPPG in 2011. These programs have been an increasingly popular part of the meetings and have attracted the participation of many chemists and other scientists who might otherwise not have been at an ACS meeting.
Supporting chemists in industry. Perhaps the greatest impact of this multidisciplinarity can be seen in the way it affects our industrial members. They are still the largest fraction of ACS membership, but they face rapid changes. In recent years, there have been great shifts in the ways they do their research and development, the way their companies are organized, and even in what kinds of organizations they are found. Particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, there are many folks who are doing chemistry even if it is not labeled as such. We need to support them in new ways, such as better delivery of the information they need, more recognition of their efforts (say, through the Fellows program), and increased assistance with transitions in their careers. A good dialogue with them on how to support them better will be important to the growth of ACS.
Staying relevant to younger chemists (and chemists-to-be). Equally important as the need to support those who already are chemists is to encourage our youth to enter chemistry and to help them grow into the next generation of leaders. It is necessary that we provide educators from the primary level on up with the means to excite young people with the promise and opportunity in chemistry and all sciences. ACS must continually adapt its message through the use of new media because this is where youth look for their information. In DAC, we were able to help disseminate some of the information from the national meetings electronically, and we were happy to see that many educators are incorporating this into their curriculum. We need to share the informational riches of the chemical enterprise with young people in ways that will mean the most to them.
I have benefited immensely from the many opportunities and services provided by ACS, and I would be proud to repay the society for that if you select me as director for District III.
Santa Clara Valley Section. Metabolex Inc., Hayward, Calif.
Academic record: University of Houston, B.A., 1974, Ph.D., 1981
Honors: A. Ottenberg Service Award, ACS Santa Clara Valley Section, 1998; Platinum Award, ACS Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry, 1998; Founders Award, Workshop for Teachers, ACS Santa Clara Valley Section, 2006; Mentoring Appreciation Award, Metabolex Inc., 2008; Syntex Corp. Recognition Award: Individual, 1994, Team, 1992; University of Houston Departmental Teaching Award, 1980; National Merit Scholar, 1970–74; Iota Sigma Pi
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Metabolex Inc., vice president, regulatory and quality, 2007– ; Genitope Corp., vice president regulatory, 2001–06; Roche Global Development, vice president and site head, regulatory affairs, 1999–2001
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, chair, 2010–11; District VI, director, 2006–11; councilor ex officio, 2006–11; Committee on Budget & Finance, 2007– , vice chair, 2008; Board Executive Committee, 2007–11, chair, 2010–11; Executive Director Performance Planning & Evaluation Committee, chair, 2010–11; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2006–10, chair, 2007–09; Committee on Planning, 2007–11, chair, 2010–11; Board Goals Committee, 2006–08, chair, 2007; Council Policy Committee (voting), 2001–05, vice chair, 2005; Committee on Nominations & Elections, 1995–2000, secretary, 1999–2000, vice chair, 1997; Committee on Grants & Awards, 2006; Committee on Local Section Activities, 1994–95, committee associate, 1993; Board Oversight Committee for Communications Strategic Plan, 2007–08, chair, 2007–08; C&EN Editorial Board, 2010–11; Governing Board for Publishing, 2010–11; Development Advisory Board, 2010–11; Advisory Group for New Ventures, 2010–11; Joint Board-Council Task Force on Governance Review, 2005–07; Board Task Force on Program Review, 2005; Local Section Summit, 2006–07; Regional Meeting Summit, 2007; Committee Structure Summit, 2007; Task Force on Enhancing Communications at Council, 2004; Task Force on Petition for Local Section & Division Support, 2002–03; Task Force on Committee Review, 2002
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1982. Santa Clara Valley Section: councilor, 1993–2005; Public Relations, chair, 2004–05; chair, 1997; chair-elect, 1996; Long-Range Planning Committee, 2001–03; National Chemistry Week Committee, 1996–05, chair, 1998; Kids & Chemistry, chair, 1996; Volunteers in Public Outreach, coordinator, 1995; KidVention Committee, 1992–2000. Cincinnati Section: chair, 1988–89; chair-elect, 1987–88; Program Committee, chair, 1987–88; vice chair, 1986–87; treasurer, 1985–86; CINTACS, editor, 1984–85; Nominating Committee, chair, 1989–90; Long-Range Planning Committee, chair, 1987–88; trustee, 1989–90. Division of Agricultural & Food Chemistry: Flavor Subdivision, chair, 1990; chair-elect, 1989; vice chair, 1988; secretary, 1987
Member: American Women in Science; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists; BioScience Forum, Drug Information Association, Bay Area Compliance Discussion Group, Bay Area Clinical/Regulatory Roundtable. ACS Divisions: Agricultural & Food Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemical Technology, Business Development & Management, Chemistry & the Law, History of Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, and Small Chemical Businesses
Related activities: Roche Global Development, Regulatory Affairs, director, 1996–99; Syntex Research, Regulatory Program, director, 1993–95, senior manager, 1992–93, manager, 1991–92; symposium organizer for ACS national meetings, multiple divisions; founder of “Teach the Teachers” workshop, Santa Clara Valley Section; cofounder and developer of Student Interview Workshop, joint project of Santa Clara Valley Section, California Section, and AIChE; Advisory Board for NSF project, “Chemistry, a Pipeline to 21st Century Careers,” at Canada College, 2008–10; cofounder of “Chemists in the Community,” San Francisco national meeting, 2006; Instructor for “Tech Trek,” Stanford University, with the American Association of University Women, to encourage young women in science, 2008– ; presenter at the Sally Ride Festival, Stanford University; presenter at “Science Night,” California and Santa Clara Valley Sections; ACS Younger Chemists Committee Chemical Career Insights Program (Roadshow), speaker, 1985–86; Procter & Gamble Co., group leader, 1981–90, Analytical Symposium Committee, chair, 1984; Chemistry Merit Badge Instructor for Boy Scouts; presenter at national meeting symposia (Division of Chemistry & the Law and Career Services) on careers for chemists outside the laboratory; Trainer for Kids & Chemistry volunteers; Mentor for Mentium 100 Program; coeditor of two books: “Polymeric Delivery Systems, ACS Symposium Series 520,” 1993; “Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Chromatography, ACS Symposium Series 366,” 1988
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your district director. I greatly appreciate the opportunities I’ve had, including serving as chair of the ACS Board, and, in particular, the chance to meet and work with so many amazing volunteers. I am acutely aware of areas where changes in the world have increased challenges for our profession. I have the energy and passion to continue and would appreciate your support to complete my service on the board.
When previously asking for your vote, I outlined where I believed positive change was needed for ACS. To be accountable to you, this statement highlights some accomplishments during my time on the board and areas needing more work:
Financial responsibility. A primary duty of the board is to ensure the fiscal health of ACS. During the recent financial downturn, the board worked closely with staff to manage our finances, including making difficult decisions with regard to cuts. I am proud to say that, in every decision, member needs were a primary consideration. Our decisions were facilitated because we had previously done serious contingency planning. This year, we continued the theme, holding a financial planning conference to plan for future challenges and opportunities.
Chemistry jobs. Chemistry employment is one of the most urgent issues for our members. ACS has strong, and evolving, programs for career development, leadership, job search, and interview skills. Our additional focus must be advocacy for chemistry jobs in this country and new ways of encouraging job growth and entrepreneurship. This is one of the most exciting areas we are addressing. My experience in leadership in large and small companies, including working with venture capitalists, is useful in these efforts.
Focus on members/Diversity and inclusion. ACS must consider the needs of all of our members and involve members with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. I am happy to have been involved in establishing the Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Group for ACS and to have participated in several programs to encourage women and minorities in science. I have also worked to strengthen collaborations with NOBCChE, SACNAS, and other partners.
Transparency/Communication. As ACS Board chair, I have pushed to share information with members concerning important ACS issues. I believe the board must ensure openness and that all decisions must seek and include appropriate input. As a board member, my participation in leadership conferences, all regional meetings in our district, local section meetings, and other meetings has allowed me to talk with many members. I am grateful for the input many of you have provided and have benefited from your questions and suggestions. Good communication is also aided by effective electronic tools, and I am pleased to note the growth of webinars and electronic dissemination of meeting content in ACS.
Advocacy for education. Science education is crucial for the future of our profession, country, and world. My board service has allowed me to directly support science education through many venues: advocacy for science with legislators at the national and state levels, including the establishment of state government affairs committees that are now expanding throughout the country; establishment of workshops for teachers; support of the Scholars Program; and establishment of an award for two-year college chemistry teaching.
Outreach. Improving the public perception of chemistry and outreach to the public is a passion most of us share. I’m delighted to have influenced the return of the Sparkle Workshop for local section public relations volunteers and the growth of the Chemistry Ambassadors program. We must continue to grow our signature outreach programs such as NCW, and find new ways to support and recognize members’ efforts.
It is a great honor to serve as your district director and as chair of the board. Thank you for the opportunity to serve this extraordinary district and ACS. My board service has been both challenging and fulfilling. It has required that I call on all of my previous experience, both academic and industrial, and in particular, my management experience in organizing projects and overseeing budgets. I have enjoyed working with my governance colleagues in improving and streamlining ACS processes, decision making, and communications. The most fun part of this job is interacting with members to hear their ideas and being able to take action in response.
I would welcome the opportunity to continue working with you to improve our society and to continue to bring to every decision the perspective that the members of the society are ACS. I ask for your vote to finish my allowed time on the board and to continue positive change.
Southern California Section. California State University, Los Angeles
Academic record: University of California, Los Angeles, B.S., 1971; University of California, Davis, Ph.D., 1975
Honors: ACS Stanley C. Israel Western Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in Chemistry, 2006; ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences, 2001; Los Angeles magazine’s List of 100 Most Influential Angelenos, 2006; Hispanic Business magazine’s List of 100 Most Influential Hispanics in the U.S., 2006, 2008; U.S. Professor of the Year, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 2005; Education Award, Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Award Corp., 2005; American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Lifetime Mentor Award, 2004; Giants In Science Award, Quality Education for Minorities Network, 2000; California State University System Wang Family Excellence Award, Outstanding Faculty in the Natural Sciences, 2000; Lifetime National Associate of the National Academy of Sciences; Anthony J. Andreoli Biotechnology Service Research Award, California State University Program for Education & Research in Biotechnology, 1997; Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics & Engineering Mentoring from former president Bill Clinton, 1996; California State University, Los Angeles, Outstanding Professor Award, 1984; Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Award in Animation for the Educational Student Film “Antimatter,” 1973; California Council on Science & Technology, senior fellow, 2009; AAAS, fellow, 2002
Professional positions (for past 10 years): California State University, Los Angeles, professor, 1984– , department chair, 1988–92, associate professor, 1980–84, assistant professor, 1976–80; UC Berkeley, visiting scientist, 1989–91
Service in ACS national offices: Committee on Ethics, 2005–10; Committee on Professional Training, 1998–06, consultant, 2007–08; Committee on Minority Affairs, 1993–2001, founding chair, 1993–95, consultant, 2001–07; ACS Scholars Program Advisory Committee, 1995–07; Task Force To Revise “ACS Guidelines for Chemistry in Two-Year College Programs,” 2005–09; Task Force on Minorities in Academe, 2002; ACS Executive Director’s Blue Ribbon Advisory Panel on Minority Underrepresentation in the Chemical Sciences, 1993–2003; Board Task Force on Minorities in the Chemical Sciences, 1991–93; Chemical & Engineering News, Advisory Board, 1996–98
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1976. Southern California Section: councilor, 1997, 1992–94; alternate councilor, 1995–96; Awards Committee, chair, 1994; Professional Relations Committee, chair, 1992; Executive Committee, 1982–83; SCALACS editor, 1981–83
Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science, National Organization for the Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers. ACS Divisions: Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry.
Related activities: Organizing Committee Membership for ACS Symposia & Workshops: Presidential Event, ACS Scholars 15th Anniversary Symposium, fall national meeting, Boston, 2010; Presidential Event, “Symposium Honoring Robert Lichter, Recipient, 2010 ACS Award for Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the Chemical Sciences,” fall national meeting, Boston, 2010; Workshop on “Increasing Participation of Hispanic Undergraduates in Chemistry,” Washington, D.C., 2008; Symposium on the “New ACS Guidelines for Two-Year College Chemistry Programs,” 182nd Two-Year College Chemistry Conference, Las Vegas, 2008; Presidential Event, ACS Scholars 10th Anniversary Symposium, spring national meeting, San Diego, 2005; Workshop on “Increasing Historically Black Colleges and Universities’ Participation in the American Chemical Society Undergraduate Program Approval,” Washington, D.C., 2004; Symposium on “Collaborations and Partnerships in Undergraduate Research,” spring national meeting, Anaheim, Calif., 2004; Presidential Event, “Accelerating Momentum: Successful Tools for the 21st Century,” fall national meeting, Washington, D.C., 2000; Presidential Event, “The Future of Chemistry Is All of Us,” fall national meeting, Boston, 1998; California Council on Science & Technology (CCST), 2003–09; CCST Policy Fellows Selection Committee, cochair, 2009– ; National Panel To Evaluate the Minority Institutions/Cancer Center Partnerships Program, National Cancer Institute, 2009; Committee on Underrepresented Groups & the Expansion of the Science & Engineering Workforce Pipeline, Board on Higher Education Workforce, National Research Council, 2008–10; National Science Foundation, Chemistry Division, Committee of Visitors, 2007; Five-Year Strategic Plan Development Group, National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), National Institutes of Health, 2007; National Research Council Oversight Committee for the Assessment of NIH Minority Research Training Programs: Phase 3, chair, 2004–05; Arnold & Mabel Beckman Foundation Scholars Program, Review Panel, 2000–03, Executive Committee, 2003–07; Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award Advisory Panel, 2001–08; Board on Higher Education Workforce, National Research Council, 2001–06; Committee on Opportunities in Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001–04; National Advisory General Medical Sciences Council, NIGMS, NIH, 1995–98: National Advisory Committee, Office of Scientific & Engineering Personnel (OSEP), National Research Council, 1996–99; Minority Biomedical Research Support Subcommittee, NIGMS, NIH, 1992–95, chair, 1993–95; Minority Access to Research Careers Review Committee, NIGMS, NIH, 1985–89, chair, 1987–89; Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), treasurer, 1991–93, board of directors, 1991–94, National Conference Program Committee, 2010– ; Editorial Board, Journal of Science Education & Technology, 1991–95
We the American Chemical Society are a membership organization. Our primary and interconnected commitments must be to the economic and professional well-being of our members and to stewardship of the profession. Chemistry is an intensely human activity wherein we seek through experimentation an understanding of molecules and materials, and with that, the ability to describe, manipulate, and create.
Our membership organization has become a world leader in chemistry because of the committed work of thousands of our volunteer members. We have helped in the development of chemists and chemistry through our excellent journals and professional meetings, attention to the education of chemists, and contributions to the public understanding of chemistry. The continuous and unselfish support of our members has built and maintained a system of local sections across the country, some that are thousands of miles away from ACS headquarters in Washington, D.C. Many volunteers simply love chemistry; they have never attended a national meeting nor received tangible benefits for their dues other than C&EN. Chemical Abstracts Service was built on the shoulders of volunteer members who through goodwill and 4 cents per word provided the impulse that has become the current giant of publication. Our volunteer members have been good stewards of the profession.
We live in professionally and economically challenging times. The past few years have been hard on our members. Good jobs have been scarce for new graduates; some midcareer chemists are facing involuntary early retirement. Support for research is limited in academia and industry. Weak state budgets have hit public colleges and universities hard. Chemists join ACS because they enjoy chemistry and want to support its institutions—but only if they have a job.
We face many problems, but before we offer solutions, we must ask the right questions. As chemists we understand that the appropriateness of answers depends on the quality of the questions. The work we do in the next few years answering the following and other questions will set our course and determine our future.
Is the current economic situation temporary or the new normal? What are the professional and economic needs of our members? What should be the role of ACS in meeting them? How do we support our current members so they are employed in professionally satisfying and economically rewarding jobs? How do we assist industry in remaining competitive with a workforce of American chemists? We cannot create jobs overnight, but working relentlessly with industry, academia, and government, ACS can assist in making progress toward this goal. Now is the time to support our members as payback for their decades of support.
Are we attracting the most talented and motivated individuals from all of our populations into our profession? Is our current educational system adequate for training chemists to succeed and thrive in this new environment? Are our graduates competitive for leadership in national and world arenas? What is the appropriate role of ACS in bringing about necessary change? Are our continuing education programs meeting the needs of our members in mid- and late career?
What is the right mixture of pessimism and optimism to result in a progressive realism that will allow us to thrive? Even in these difficult times, are there hidden opportunities for our members?
Let us imagine what ACS will look like in 10 or 20 years. We have strategic plans, but how will we implement them? How will we achieve the society we want? We need to be ever vigilant, to improve, to get better, to excel. We need to lead; we must choose wisely so that our projects have the greatest impact. We must not be afraid of new ways.
Forty years ago, in an earlier economic downturn, an ACS president described the direction the society should follow: “The first responsibility of the ACS is to its own members.” This is an appropriate response not only in difficult times but always. It acknowledges that the health of our society and our profession depends on the economic and professional well-being of our current and future members. We must support the development of chemistry and increase public appreciation and understanding of chemistry, but by always promoting the well-being of chemists. If elected, this is the road I will follow. I seek your support.
Division of Geochemistry (Southern Illinois Section). Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Thermaquatica Inc.
Academic record: University of Melbourne, B.S. with honors, 1984; University of Melbourne, Ph.D., 1989
Honors: ACS Division of Geochemistry Distinguished Service Award, 1999; Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Award, 2000; R&D 100 Award, 1999
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Thermaquatica Inc., CEO, 2010– ; Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, professor of geochemistry, 2007– , associate professor of geochemistry, 2003–07; Argonne National Laboratory, staff scientist, 1994–2003
Service in ACS national offices: Committee on Committees, 2008; Committee on Constitution & Bylaws, 2002–07; Committee on Divisional Activities, committee associate, 2007; Presidential-Board Task Force on Local Section & Division Funding, 2000; Presidential-Board Task Force on Local Section & Division Bylaw Revision, 2001
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1989. Division of Geochemistry: Councilor, 2000–09; Chair, 1998; Chair-Elect, 1997; Webmaster and Division Historian, 2003–05; Co-Editor-in-Chief, Geochemical Transactions, 2005– ; Geochemistry Division Medal Committee, 2000– ; Divisional Officer’s Caucus, 2000–04, chair, 2002–04, treasurer, 2000–01
Member:ACS Divisions: Fuel Chemistry, Geochemistry, History of Chemistry, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Small Chemical Business
Related activities: SIUC Faculty Senate, 2010– ; SIUC College of Science Tenure & Promotion Committee, 2010; Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Advance Energy & Fuels Management, curriculum development and academic steering committee, 2007– ; Illinois Department of Commerce & Opportunity and Office of Trade & Investment, international trade mission to Europe and the U.K., technical consultant and delegate, May 2008; ACS National Program Coordinator, Energy Sustainability, 2007; David Clifford Memorial Symposium, organizer and cochair, August 2007; Editor, ACS Symposium Series Vol. 617, “Amber, Resinite, and Fossil Resins”; Governor’s Task Force for Carbon Sequestration, Illinois, 2007; Governor’s Task Force for Gasification Technology Implementation, Illinois, 2007; Symposium on the History of Organic Geochemistry, organizer and cochair, March 2005; ACS Geochemistry Division Medal Award Symposium, San Diego, organizer, April 2001; ACS Symposium on “Amber, Resinite, and Fossil Resins,” organizer and cochair, August 1994. Member or chair of various college and departmental committees, 2003– . Published 45 refereed articles and book chapters; holder of six patents; grants received (in past 10 years): $4.4 million
ACS does not create jobs for chemists. Nor are we consulted as decisions are made to add, cut, or outsource jobs overseas. But we are not powerless. Creating and preserving jobs requires an environment where opportunity for chemists thrives here, because here is the best place to practice chemistry. We can and must work toward sustaining an environment in which chemists and chemistry can flourish.
What are the challenges?
We are entering a period of profound change. The age of plentiful cheap oil is probably past its peak. Climate change and other environmental concerns are causing us to reevaluate social and commercial policies and practices that we have taken for granted for a century. But it is at this pivotal moment that the U.S. is in danger of ceding scientific and technological leadership, and the jobs that go with it, to emerging or already strong systems in Asia and Europe.
What’s the solution?
Chemists are the solution! The challenges ahead of us in the next few decades, such as resource and materials transitions and global environmental management, are fundamentally issues that will be addressed through chemistry. Chemistry and chemical innovators are the keys that will enable us to retool and remold our economy as we adapt to more sustainable lifestyles, without sacrificing our quality of life.
What’s stopping us and what can we do about it?
First, let’s face it, chemistry has a poor reputation. To most people, “chemical” is still nearly synonymous with “poison.”
We need to rebrand chemistry!
Fortunately, the challenges confronting us are also our opportunity to do so. ACS is uniquely positioned to help reshape both perception and policy as we innovate and educate our way into the future. The public and policymakers may not fully grasp the connection, but chemists understand the depth of our reliance on traditional resources that will be less available and more expensive going forward. It’s chemists that will enable us to maintain or improve our quality of life while simultaneously reducing our footprint on the environment. This is our opportunity to recast the image of chemistry! As a member of the ACS Board of Directors, I will work to ensure that that opportunity is not missed. I will work to promote policies that
◾ Foster innovation and create opportunities for chemists and chemical industries
◾ Make sure that chemistry gets the credit that is properly its due
Second, the pipeline that sustains our profession is not flowing as it should. The cost of a college education in the U.S. is approaching levels that will put it out of reach for many Americans. Fewer graduates mean fewer skilled future employees, innovators, and entrepreneurs to sustain our profession and move us forward as we address the challenges ahead. Erosion of our education system discourages corporations from investing here, further shifting jobs to where the availability of skilled workers is better ensured.
We need to reinvigorate U.S. higher education!
Policymakers and the public need to be reminded that our current prosperity has been built by a highly educated workforce. ACS needs to make affordable education a policy priority. As a member of the board of directors, I will work toward making that the case.
We need leadership to take us there!
The critical task of the board of directors is to position ACS to continue to thrive in the future as it has in the past.
This requires leadership that understands the society and has the breadth of experience necessary to foresee the challenges and opportunities ahead of us and the skills needed to overcome those challenges and grasp those opportunities.
My own background includes experience in
◾ Industry
◾ Government
◾ Academia
I have been a division leader and councilor; I have served on society committees and task forces, including the task forces that led to increases in financial support for local sections and divisions. I have experience as both an employee of large organizations and as an entrepreneur and employer (having recently established a green chemistry company). I believe that my background positions me well to work with the other members of the ACS Board and Council to ensure that as the society moves forward, it does so in a manner that will enable both our society and our profession to prosper as we fulfill the obligation of our charter, “to foster public welfare and education, aid the development of our country’s industries, and add to the material prosperity and happiness of our people.”
Dallas-Fort Worth Section. Occidental Chemical Corp., Dallas
Academic record: DePauw University, B.A., 1973; Tulane University, M.S., 1975; Indiana University, Ph.D., 1978
Honors: DePauw University Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, 2011; ACS Division of Professional Relations Henry A. Hill Award, 2009; ACS Division of Chemical Technicians K. Michael Shea Special Recognition Award, 2007; Indiana University Distinguished Alumni Service Award, 2009; Vinyl Institute Roy T. Gottesman Leadership Award, 2000
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Occidental Chemical Corp., vice president, 1996– ; Indiana University, Bloomington, adjunct industrial professor of chemistry, 1998–
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, director-at-large, 2009–11; immediate past-president, 2006, president, 2005, president-elect, 2004, councilor ex officio, 2004–11; Council Policy Committee (voting), 2004–06, chair, 2005; Committee on Committees, 2004; Committee on Executive Compensation, 2004–09, chair 2005–09; Committee on Budget & Finance, 2001–09, vice chair, 2006; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2010–11, chair, 2010–11, 2005–06; Committee on Audits, 2010–12; Committee on Divisional Activities, committee associate, 2010; Board Executive Committee, 2010–11, 2004–06; Committee on Planning, 2010–11, 2004–06; Committee on Professional & Member Relations, 2009–11, 2004–05; Board-Presidential Task Force, Governance Review, 2005–06, cochair, 2005; Board International Task Force, cochair, 2007–08; Committee on International Activities, 2001–03, chair, 2001–03; Presidential Board Task Force, ACS/American Chemistry Council, 2002–03; Committee on Committees Review Task Force, 2001–02
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1974.
Member: Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry; Society of Plastics Engineers; American Association for the Advancement of Science; National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers; National Fire Protection Association; IEEE. ACS Divisions: Organic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Professional Relations
Related activities: ACS Tour Speaker, 2002–11; International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) U.S. National Committee, 2002–08; United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Stockholm Convention: International Negotiating Conference/Conference of the Parties, nongovernment organization representative, 1998–2011; Scientific & Technical Evaluation Workshop on Persistent Manufactured Chemicals, 1999; Expert Group on Best Available Techniques & Best Environmental Practices, 2003–07; Dioxin Toolkit Task Force, 2006–11; National Research Council: Chemical Sciences Roundtable, 2006–11, cochair, 2011; Committee on Research at the Interface of the Physical & Life Sciences, 2008–09; Committee on Prudent Practices in the Laboratory, cochair, 2008–10; Council of Scientific Society Presidents, 2004–11, member of board, 2007–10, secretary, 2007, chair-elect, 2008, chair, 2009, past chair, 2010; State of California, Green Chemistry Science Advisory Panel, 2008, Green Ribbon Science Panel, cochair, 2009–11; State of Oregon, Department of Environmental Quality Rigid Packaging Implementation Task Force, 1993–95; State of Florida, Packaging Council, 1993–94; DePauw University Science Advisory Board, 2004–11, chair, 2006; Tulane University School of Science & Engineering Board of Advisers, 2008–11; Colorado School of Mines Department of Chemistry & Geochemistry, Visiting Committee, 2005–08; Vinyl Institute, Technical Committee, 1983–89, chair, 1986–89, Group on Recycling, 1989–94, chair, 1992–94, Operating Committee, 1993–2011, chair, 1998–2003, 2007, 2010; American Plastics Council, Energy Recovery Task Force, 1992–93, chair, 1994, National Issues Task Force, 1998–99, Nondurables Committee, 2000–2003, Health Committee, 1999–2001, chair, 2000; American Chemistry Council, Public Health Team, 1998–2003, Sustainable Development Work Group, 2000–01; Science Policy Team, 2002–03; Health, Product & Science Policy Committee, 2003–11; Chlorine Chemistry Division, Operating Committee, 2006–11, chair, 2010; Chlorine Chemistry Council, Strategic Implementation Leadership Committee, 1996–2006; Dioxin/PBT Issue Team, 1994–2006, chair, 1996–98, Science & Health Issue Team, chair, 1996–98, Health Effects Issue Team, chair, 2000–01, Sustainable Development Work Group, chair, 1997–2003; Society of the Plastics Industry, Coordinating Committee on Fire Safety, 1986–87, chair, 1987–88; International Society of Fire Service Instructors, Training Course, Company Officer Development I, Instructor, 1986–89; National Fire Protection Association Research Foundation, Flammable Liquids Packaging Research, chair, 1986–89; Plastics Recycling Foundation, 1987–93, Board of Directors, 1990–93; World Chlorine Council, 1995–2011; Global Vinyl Council Management Group, 1999–2008; Texas Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Technology, Educating Texans for Jobs with the Chemical Industry in the 21st Century, Steering Committee, 1997; 60 Publications; two patents
When I ran for director-at-large three years ago, I felt that the future of ACS depended upon innovation, leadership, and advocacy—for science and the people of science. Today, as I again ask for your vote, I still believe that. I’d like you to know what I have done with your trust, and what I hope to do.
Employment in chemistry is top of mind for everyone. The enterprise has reengineered in the past three years, leaving many chemists behind, and the pace of change is breathtaking. We have no larger challenge than the health of the enterprise and those who work in it.
Person-to-person relationships are the reason for professional societies in the 21st century. Networking is not just a job strategy; it is professional life. I have worked to help ACS members—particularly students—sharpen their networking skills one-to-one and via the ACS Network. I have pushed to make the ACS Careers website one of the premier resources in any field. We have far to go, but I am dedicated to continuously improving our career tools over the next three years.
Scientific information resources remain core to the society’s mission. Members know and appreciate that ACS produces the highest quality journals, the best tools for searching the literature, and robust regional and national meetings.
Over the past three years, our Publications and Chemical Abstracts Service groups have innovated in the face of challenges presented by open-access resources. They now provide new features—made possible through tighter coordination between Pubs and CAS—and more new benefits are on the way. Delivering information value well beyond cost is vital.
Electronic delivery of meeting content is an important innovation and member benefit. Electronic access to ACS meeting presentations increases access to novel results on demand, making the most of scarce time at meetings.
I am committed to keeping ACS the premier source of science information—attracting the best authors and articles and documenting the cutting edge. If we manage the enterprise well and maintain an innovation ethic, we will thrive even in a challenging, competitive climate.
One of our most important duties as ACS members—on the board or otherwise—is to advocate for the future of chemists and chemistry. Although ACS alone cannot change the policy environment, we can find allies who have similar interests, and together we can make a difference. The Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, which I chair, gathered input from committees and divisions and crafted policies aimed at making the U.S. the best place in the world to start and maintain a business and employ scientists. We have joined with like-minded organizations, and we are working in Washington, D.C., now to catalyze substantive policy change.
Each of us can be an advocate for the profession, with legislators or with neighbors. That’s why we created the Chemistry Ambassadors program and helped members learn to speak simply and compellingly about their work. Chemistry enables a better tomorrow; each of us is a spokesperson. And if not us, who?
Advocacy is also about people. I am a passionate advocate for science and scientists, as you are. We can encourage and enable others to be as well.
I value science, people, and advocacy, and I invest in them. In 10 years, I have participated at ACS events in more than 120 local sections. I have spoken to hundreds of high school classes, student chapters, and students one-to-one. My best weeks of the year are as a tour speaker; my fondest memories are of the dialogue and the people.
I have worked to be both a peer and a leader among my colleagues on the board by listening, innovating, working to find consensus, and helping to move the organization forward. My experience with the United Nations, various states, and ACS has taught me the importance of diplomacy, respect, and collaboration.
So that’s my game plan. Join with others to nurture the U.S. economy and chemistry jobs and to fund our technological future. Keep our information services excellent and create new benefits through them. Reach out to the public and our leaders. Be prepared to grasp opportunity as it presents itself, which I firmly believe it will.
As I thank you for investing in me, I also ask for your support. I offer you energy, care, vision, and the good humor you have come to expect. I promise to be a visible face and credible voice for chemists and chemistry. Thank you for your consideration.
View my website at
Northeastern Section. Aerodyne Research Inc., Billerica, Mass.
Academic record: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.B., 1967; Princeton University, M.S., 1968, Ph.D., 1971
Honors: ACS Fellow, 2009; ACS Northeastern Section Henry A. Hill Memorial Award, 2005; ACS Creative Advances in Environmental Science & Technology Award, 1997; American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, 2001; American Geophysical Union Fellow, 2000; American Physical Society Fellow, 1997; Optical Society of America Fellow, 1988; National Associate, National Academies, 2003; Conceptual Foundations of Chemistry Lecturer, Arizona State University, 1998; Harris Lecturer, Texas A&M University, 2001; Hottel Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Aerodyne Research, president and CEO, 1984– , executive vice president and director of research, 1981–84, Applied Science Division, corporate vice president and director, 1979–80; Center for Chemistry & Environmental Physics, director, 1977–79, principal research scientist, 1975–77, senior research scientist, 1971–75
Service in ACS national offices: Committee on Environmental Improvement, 2003–12, chair, 2006–08, committee associate, 2001–02; Presidential Task Force on Enhancing Innovation & Competitiveness, 2007–08; Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental Science & Technology, 2011
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1969. Northeastern Section: chair-elect, 1990; chair, 1991; trustee, 1994–96; Richards Medal Committee, 1998–06, chair 2005–06; Esselen Award Committee, 2007–11, chair, 2009–10
Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, American Geophysical Union, Combustion Institute, Union of Concerned Scientists. ACS Divisions: Environmental Chemistry, Physical Chemistry
Related activities: Twenty National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences boards and committees, including Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry, 1987–90, chair, 1990–93; Committee on Tropospheric Ozone Formation & Measurement, 1989–91; Committee on Review & Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, 1993–2000, vice chair, 1998–2000; Committee on Research Opportunities & Priorities for the EPA, 1995–97; Board on Atmospheric Sciences & Climate, 1990–93, 1997–2000; Committee on Review & Evaluation of Chemical Events at Army Chemical Disposal Facilities, chair, 2001–02; Committee on Chemical Demilitarization, 2003–10; Committee on Monitoring at Chemical Agent Disposal Facilities, chair, 2004–05; Committee on the Significance of International Transport of Air Pollutants, chair, 2008–09; Board on Chemical Science & Technology, 2008– ; Committee on Assessment of Agent Monitoring Strategies for the Blue Grass & Pueblo Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plants, chair, 2011; NASA Panel for Chemical Kinetics & Photochemical Data Evaluation, 1991– ; Atmospheric Effects of Aviation Program Steering Committee, 1998–2000; NSF Advisory Committee for Geosciences, 1998–2000; MIT Regional Laser Center Advisory Board, 1981–92; University of Massachusetts, Boston, Scientific Advisory Board, 1992–94; Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study Science Advisory Committee, Harvard University, 2003–05; Princeton University Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Advisory Council, 2000– , chair, 2008– ; Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory, Board of Visitors, 1998–2000, Environmental & Energy Sciences Review Committee, 2001–04; Gordon Research Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, cochair, 1991; Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1990–92; atmospheric sciences editor, Geophysics Research Letters, 1996–99. Published more than 200 archival journal articles and book chapters; three patents in laser spectroscopy and mass spectrometry atmospheric monitoring
These are challenging times for both our American Chemical Society and the many national and regional societies where ACS members live and work. Most governments, from national to local levels, face fiscal deficits that threaten to curtail investments in both their educational and their research and development activities. Funding shortfalls have already had or will soon have negative impacts on the activities of many ACS members. Many corporations and nonprofit institutes are faced with reduced revenues and increased competition that threaten their vitality and their employees’ security. Governments and corporations worldwide face economic, educational, environmental, energy supply, health care, and security challenges that demand innovative and efficient responses.
ACS itself, which has traditionally relied heavily on revenues from its extensive publishing activities, must scramble to ensure that the ongoing revolutionary changes in how information is produced, vetted, and disseminated do not eliminate much of its income. Traditional approaches may not be adequate to steer ACS safely through an unsettled future or help ACS members navigate the career challenges that many are experiencing.
However, trying times often also offer exciting opportunities. New technologies, many based on chemical innovations, will be key to the development and growth of more sustainable and reliable energy systems, a cleaner and more stable environment, more effective strategies to prevent and treat disease, more competitive and greener commercial products and services, and better methods to protect societies from both terrorist and military assaults.
Goal 3 of ACS’s recently developed strategic plan pledges that the society “will be a global leader in enlisting the world’s scientific professionals to address, through chemistry, the challenges facing our world.” ACS’s membership represents a huge reservoir of scientific, technical, and entrepreneurial talent that can be activated and empowered by clear expositions of the challenges and opportunities facing our world. I believe that Goal 3 can be best met by vigorously developing projects and programs that explain and explore scientific and technological bottlenecks and breakthroughs relevant to pressing societal problems. Engaging our membership, and, as appropriate, the membership of our relevant sister scientific and technical societies, in our pursuit of Goal 3 is the best way to ensure the continued vitality and relevance of ACS and the research and educational impact of ACS members.
I am not a traditional candidate for high ACS office. I am not an academic, a government scientist, or an employee of a chemical, materials, or pharmaceutical company. When I finished graduate school in 1971, I joined a small new multidisciplinary R&D company as its first chemist. Since 1984, I have led that company, which employs about 50 graduate scientists and engineers, all working in multidisciplinary teams addressing important environmental quality, energy technology, and national defense problems. Because most of our R&D projects involve collaborations with academic or national laboratory colleagues, we frequently mentor undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students. In the course of our R&D activities, we have developed a number of useful research tools that we now sell to our research colleagues worldwide, generating about half of our revenues.
I present this biographical data only to illustrate that I have experienced the power of multidisciplinary, multi-institutional, and multigenerational teams focused on real-world problems. Furthermore, at my company, these teams often produce fundamental advances in chemistry, frequently published in ACS journals. I believe that similar teams of ACS members, supplemented as necessary with colleagues from other disciplines, can stimulate exciting progress on the challenges that currently confront society and at the same time help ensure the vitality and relevance of the American Chemical Society. Chemists and chemical engineers, as practitioners of the central science and working with their peers in other fields, can and must be encouraged and empowered to engage the major issues of our times.
Work with my corporate board of directors and service on a wide variety of advisory boards for universities, national laboratories, and the National Research Council have taught me that effective boards require the active participation of members with diverse experiences and differing viewpoints. If elected to the ACS Board, I will use my nontraditional background to work with interested members and staff to motivate and implement activities that inform ACS members about major societal challenges and empower them to contribute to their solutions.
San Diego Section. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, Calif.
Academic record: Baldwin-Wallace College, B.S., 1973; San Diego State University, M.A., 1982; University of California, San Diego, and San Diego State University, jointly, Ph.D., 1983
Honors: ACS National Award for Encouraging Women in the Chemical Sciences, 2002; Outstanding Service Award, ACS San Diego Section, 2001; Athena of San Diego, Pinnacle Award for an Individual in Education, 2011; University of California, San Diego, Partner in International Education Award, 2010; University of California, San Diego, Alumni Award for Teaching Excellence, 2004; Distinguished Teaching Award, University of California, San Diego, 1997; Golden Key Honor Society; Sigma Xi; Iota Sigma Pi
Professional positions (for past 10 years): University of California, San Diego, Academic Affairs, associate vice chancellor, 2007– , Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, vice chair for education, 1994–2007, faculty member, 1984– ; University of California, San Diego, Revelle College, acting provost, 2001–02
Service in ACS national offices: Committee on Professional Training, 2009–11; Committee on Nominations & Elections, 2004–08, chair, 2006–08; Committee on Committees, 1998–03, chair, 2001–03, secretary, 1999–2000; Council Policy Committee (nonvoting), 2006–08, 2001–03; Committee on Meetings & Expositions, 1994–97, committee associate, 1991–93; Society Committee on Education, committee associate, 1992
Service in ACS offices: Member of ACS since 1975. San Diego Section: councilor, 1990– ; alternate councilor, 1987–89; Outstanding Scientist Award Committee, 1996– ; Education Committee Chair, 1982–88. Division of Chemical Education: Board of Publications, Journal of Chemical Education, 2003– ; Chemical Education Research Committee, 1997–99; General Chemistry Examining Committee, 1989–97; Long-Range Planning Committee, 1987–93, chair, 1989–91; Program Committee, 1991–94; program chair, ACS spring national meeting, 1994
Member: Iota Sigma Pi. ACS Divisions: Chemical Education, Inorganic Chemistry
Related activities: Board of Governors for the San Diego Foundation, 2008– ; Science & Technology Working Group, chair, 2006–11; Leadership Development System, Facilitator of Extraordinary Leaders Course, 2007– ; 5th Gordon Research Conference on Innovations in College Chemistry Teaching, chair, 1999; 4th Gordon Research Conference on Innovations in College Chemistry Teaching, vice chair, 1997; U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad Mentor Search Committee, 1996– ; International Chemistry Olympiad Scientific Board, vice chair, 1992; U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad, mentor, 1987–89
It is a privilege to be a candidate for the Board of Directors of the American Chemical Society. When I graduated with my B.S. in chemistry nearly 40 years ago, I could not have imagined the path my career would take, nor could I have predicted the interdisciplinary and global direction the chemical enterprise would take. I am even prouder now than I was then of being a chemist and a member of ACS. I am grateful to the society for the opportunities that membership and participation have provided me. I have enjoyed giving back to ACS.
I have been fortunate to be involved with ACS at many levels: local section, division, council, and national committees. The variety of these arenas is a strength of our organization. Any ACS member can participate once or in a sustained way, locally or nationally, for professional or personal interests, as a leader or as a participant. I have chosen to be part of many ACS activities—and a few have been thrust upon me. But every activity has taught me something, introduced me to a new colleague, or given me a deeper commitment to a cause.
Professionals in the chemical sciences and related fields continue to join ACS and attend our national meetings in healthy numbers, even though we know that the economic downturn has made this difficult, even impossible, for some. We must not forget that ACS serves both the profession and its individual members.
Each of us values our member benefits differently—taking advantage of some while wondering why we are paying for others we do not use. ACS cannot afford to be all things to all members, but it does provide an array of services. There is always a balance to be achieved between providing member benefits and the cost of doing so. I am an experimentalist and a pragmatist—a combination I believe would serve the board well when making decisions about services.
I am an academic, but my commitment to education extends beyond my university role. I have served as a mentor for the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad team, traveling twice with our finalists to international competition, and I remain a member of the Mentor Selection Committee. I am also chair of the advisory board for the ACS Department of Professional Education—home of short courses. This department is expanding offerings to include webcasts and online courses in order to serve the needs of today’s busy professionals.
I am pleased that ACS also offers our members the ability to hone their softer skills through the Leadership Development System. Some of these 16 courses are offered online, and some face-to-face. I am a facilitator for the Extraordinary Leaders course. The Leadership Development System is a jewel in the crown of ACS, but it is not yet well-known among the members.
With the Leadership Development System and the Department of Professional Education, ACS has much to offer our members in terms of continuing education. This is important for grooming new leaders for industry, academia, and the society, and I am eager for ACS to maintain a commitment in these areas.
ACS is a financially sound organization, thanks to the excellent stewardship of the board and the wonderful staff. The role of the board is to be the legal representative of the society, administering its funds and affairs. The board must exercise fiscal responsibility while still charting the organization’s future. ACS updates its strategic vision regularly, but institutional agility is still required in order to respond to fast-changing times. To do that, ACS must continue to
◾ serve K–12 students and teachers
◾ help the public and lawmakers understand the vital role of chemistry in solving today’s problems
◾ foster young scientists to continue their work
◾ provide chemical professionals access to the literature and meetings
This requires that ACS demonstrate strong federal and state advocacy to influence research and development funding, strong support of innovation and entrepreneurship, and strong connections with scientific societies in other countries.
My time spent as a member and chair of the Committee on Committees and the Committee on Nominations & Elections, and as a councilor, has prepared me well for board service. I am a hard worker, open to hearing all sides of an issue. I consider myself a team player, but one who knows when to step up and lead. This is one of those times. If elected, I would be honored to serve on the board.
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