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Central New Mexico Section. Business Results, Inc., Albuquerque, N.M.
Academic record: Eastern New Mexico University, B.S. summa cum laude, 1964; University of Missouri, Ph.D., 1973
Honors: ACS Fellow, 2009; ACS Office of Public Outreach Appreciation Award, 1996; ACS Analytical Division Summer Fellowship/Carle Instruments, 1970; Sandia President’s Quality Award, Advanced Sales Training Program, 2005; American Marketing Association Marketer of the Year Award of Achievement for New Mexico, Government Category, 2000; Sandia/Lockheed Martin Employee Recognition Award-Robotic Industry Association Trade Show Team, 2000; Professionalism Award, Midwest Research Institute Council of Principal Scientists, 1989; Pioneer in Laboratory Robotics Award, International Symposium on Laboratory Robotics, 1988; Outstanding Young Women in America, 1974; Gulf Oil Fellowship, University of Missouri, 1971–72; National Defense Education Act Graduate Fellowship, University of Missouri, 1968–71
Professional positions (for past 10 years): Business Results Inc., president, 2009– ; Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories, systems engineer/performance improvement consultant, 2005–08; business development manager/technology marketing consultant, 2000–05
Service in ACS national offices: Board of Directors, director-at-large, 2011–13; councilor ex officio, 2011–13; Committee on Grants & Awards, 2011–13; Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations, 2011–13, chair, 2012–13; Council Policy Committee, (voting), 2008–10, (nonvoting), 1999–2001; Committee on Nominations & Elections, 2002–07; Committee on Committees, 1996–98; Committee on Local Section Activities, 1999–2001, chair, 1999–2001; Committee on Public Relations, 1992–98, chair, 1997–98, Committee Associate, 1992–93; Board of Trustees, Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members, 1999–2007; ACS Leadership Advisory Board, member, 2009– ; Advisory Board for Industry Relations, 1999–2001; Presidential Task Force on Climate Science, 2011–13; Presidential Task Force on Innovation in the Chemical Enterprise, 2010; Presidential Working Group on Leadership Development, 2002–03, chair, 2002–03; Presidential Task Force on Bylaw Changes for Division & Local Section Support, 2001; Presidential Task Force on Leadership Development, 2000–01; Presidential Task Force on Society Support to Local Sections & Divisions, 2000; Board of Directors Task Force on Technical Programming, 1998; ConC Task Force on Governance, 2003; ConC Task Force on Committee Effectiveness, 2002–03; ConC Future Directions Task Force, 1998; ConC Industry Pipeline Task Force, chair, 1997–98; Board Oversight Group on Leadership Development, 2004–05, cochair, 2004–05
Service in ACS offices: Bylaw councilor, 2010. Division of Business Development & Management: councilor, 2004–09; Membership Committee, chair, 2003–08. Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry: councilor, 1994–2002, alternate councilor, 1988–93, past-chair, 1990, chair, 1989, chair-elect, 1988; Program Committee, 1990–96, program secretary, 1990–94. Automation Program, chair, 1990–96; Executive Committee, member-at-large, 1986–88. California Section: Executive Committee, 1974–77. Fresno Subsection: chair, 1976–77, chair-elect, 1975, secretary-treasurer, 1979, 1974
Member: Member of ACS since 1965. American Society for Training & Development. ACS Division: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (I&EC)
Related activities: ACS Leadership Development System, workshop facilitator (Extraordinary Leader, Developing Communications Strategies, Engaging Colleagues in Dialogue, Strategic Planning Course & Retreats), 2009– ; National Science Foundation Technician Education Project, Southeast Community College, Lincoln, Neb., Advisory Board, member, 1995–97; Pilot Public Relations Training for ACS Technical Divisions, codeveloper, 1996; Practical Pollution Prevention Subdivision of I&EC, founder and chair, 1993–95; Separations Science & Technology Subdivision of I&EC, secretary, 1985–87; ACS symposia coorganizer and chair: “Automation: Key to Productivity in the ’90s,” 1995; “Diversity in the Chemical Workforce of the 21st Century” (Corporation Associates), 1993; “Microencapsulation Processes & Applications,” 1989; “Robotics in the Industrial Laboratory,” 1987. ACS local section tour speaker, 1987–90, 2010. Additional training and certifications (2003–13): Principles & Practices of Organization Development, Teachers College, Columbia University; Guiding Organizational Change, Sundance Consulting; Leading Organizational Transition, William Bridges & Associates; Effective Facilitation, Leadership Strategies, Inc.; Flawless Consulting, Designed Learning Inc. Other Professional Positions: Lockheed Martin/Sandia National Laboratories, business development manager/technology marketing consultant, 1997–2000, Energy & Environment, program area manager, 1993–97; Hewlett-Packard, Automated Chemical Systems business development manager-North America, 1992–93, Gas Chromatography New Business Group, product marketing manager, 1990–92; supercritical fluid chromatography product manager, 1989–90; Midwest Research Institute, bioorganic chemistry department director, 1985–90; Analytical Systems Development section head, 1984–85, principal investigator, 1980–84; Rockwell Hanford Operations, analytical program technical manager, 1977–78, separations and automation development manager, 1978–79; California State University, Fresno, associate professor, 1979–80, assistant professor, 1973–77; University of Missouri, Kansas City, mentor, 1985–89; University of Missouri, Columbia, Department of Chemistry, Advisory Board, ca. 1985; Society for the Advancement of Management, KC Metro Chapter Organizing Committee cochair, 1984–86; Dimensions Unlimited Professional Networking Group, Board of Directors, 1983–85; Dimensions II Executive Women’s Networking Group, presiding officer, 1984–85; National Science Foundation Workshop awardee/director, “Women in Science Careers,” 1977; California State University, Fresno, Premed Advisory Committee, 1975–77, chair, 1977; School of Natural Sciences Research Committee, chair, 1977; Central San Joaquin Valley Science Fair, judge, 1974–77; more than 60 national-level oral technical presentations, seminars, and workshops delivered in person, via live TV, or via videoconference
These are interesting times. When I asked for your vote three years ago, we faced challenges to serve chemical professionals, then and in the future, and we still do.
What did I do?
◾ On the Presidential Task Force on Innovation in the Chemical Enterprise, I promoted programs that help members compete for jobs and create more opportunity through entrepreneurship—increasing ACS support for chemical entrepreneurs, creating the ACS Entrepreneurial Training Program and ACS Entrepreneurial Resources Center. Starting in 2014, a national award will recognize successful chemical entrepreneurs, using criteria developed by a board group I chaired.
◾ I led a team at the board’s Financial Planning Conference and worked on a board group to create an improved way to manage the society’s portfolio of programs, ensuring future financial strength by making hard decisions on allocation of ACS resources.
◾ I worked for strong support for local sections and divisions. My work resulted in Climate Science Challenge awards of $30,000 to 12 groups this year, with a second competition this fall. I have enjoyed staying current on local section and division needs by interacting with members at regional meetings, local section events, national meeting caucuses, and strategic planning retreats.
◾ I led the board’s legislative advocacy and public relations activities as chair of its Committee on Public Affairs & Public Relations (PA&PR)—setting ACS policy priorities, developing public policy statements, promoting increased ACS grassroots legislative advocacy activities and communication with the public. Notable results this year: Sparkle PR training expanded to divisions; Peer Review Policy Statement to counter threats to the National Science Foundation peer review process.
Additional information on my activities is at
What are the challenges?
Our challenges are ongoing and similar to those of three years ago: unemployment, globalization, public image, funding and support for chemistry, and more.
Keeping ACS strong in the face of these and future challenges will require the following:
◾ Strong Local Sections and Divisions. I know firsthand that local sections and divisions are the lifeblood of ACS because I have worked in both for more than 30 years. As a board member, I have advocated and will consistently advocate for the support required to keep these grassroots units healthy.
◾ Enhanced Member Services. We must provide services that meet members’ evolving needs—for example, networking, career services, training, and access to chemical information. We must continue to innovate, emphasizing affordability and easy access to services that help members increase their skills, stay scientifically current, document their accomplishments, identify and pursue job opportunities, and do in-person and online networking. National recognition of members’ accomplishments is key to career success. On the ACS Board Committee on Grants & Awards, I currently chair a new group to recommend actions to ensure fairness of access and opportunity for all qualified members to ACS national awards.
◾ Positive Public Image of Chemistry. Our future as a society, as a nation, and as chemical professionals depends on how well the public and legislators understand chemistry’s benefits. Their understanding affects funding for R&D and STEM education, laws that impact chemical businesses, jobs, and more.
ACS must provide resources to help nonscientists understand the importance of chemistry to their daily lives, health, and well-being. We must equip and support members in delivering positive chemistry messages in their communities and to legislators—local through federal.
I will continue to champion programs that improve the public’s understanding and image of chemistry, especially programs that increase the effectiveness of our 164,000 members as messengers.
I offer you
◾ Board experience—three years
◾ Deep understanding of how ACS works—from 40 years of active volunteering at all levels
◾ Understanding of diverse member needs—from a long career spanning all sectors of the chemical enterprise
◾ Commitment—proven through 40 years as an active ACS volunteer. Today, my commitment is even stronger than when I joined ACS nearly 50 years ago!
I pledge to continue what I’ve started on the board, contributing all my energy, enthusiasm, and experience to keep ACS strong, building on the firm foundation we have established. I pledge to willingly dedicate the necessary time, be open and transparent, work hard, and partner with all of you.
I offer you my commitment as a proven ACS volunteer and would be honored to receive one of your two votes. Together we can help build a bright future for our society and our profession!
For additional information on my qualifications and activities, see
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