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ACS names 2024 fellows

37 new members are recognized as ACS fellows for their contributions to science

by Sara Cottle
July 29, 2024


The American Chemical Socety logo with the words 'Chemistry for Life'.

The American Chemical Society has named 37 members as ACS fellows for 2024. These members have displayed a certain level of outstanding contribution to science or the profession as well as service to ACS.

The fellows program was unanimously approved in a vote by the ACS Board of Directors in their December 2008 meeting, and the first group of fellows was announced in 2009. Fellows are recognized at a special awards ceremony, which this year will be held at ACS Fall 2024 in Denver.

More information on the 2024 fellows, past fellows, and nominations for the 2025 year can be found at Next year’s nominations open Feb. 1, 2025. The following are the names and affiliations of the 2024 ACS fellows:


This article was updated on Aug. 19, 2024, to correct Susan M. Schelble’s affiliation. It is the University of Colorado Denver, not the Metropolitan State University of Denver.

    Christine M. Aikens
    Kansas State University

    Gerard Baillely
    Procter & Gamble

    David B. Berkowitz
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln

    Mirlinda Biba
    Merck & Co.

    Charles Joseph Brumlik

    Neal D. Byington
    ACS California Section

    Julia Chan
    Baylor University

    John M. Clark
    University of Massachusetts Amherst

    Cathleen Marie Crudden
    Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario

    Yanli Feng

    Chad M. Friesen
    Trinity Western University

    Benjamin Garcia
    Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

    Matthew Grandbois

    Richard A. Gross
    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Jennifer Ann Hollingsworth
    Los Alamos National Laboratory

    Dominik Konkolewicz
    Miami University

    Sunghee Lee
    Iona University

    Adriane G. Ludwick
    Tuskegee University

    Angel A. Martí
    Rice University

    Thomas Mathew
    University of Southern California

    Emily C. McLaughlin
    Bard College

    Shelley D. Minteer
    University of Utah

    Richard Samuel Moog
    Franklin and Marshall College

    Luke B. Roberson

    Kabrena Rodda
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

    Varnika Roy

    Kazuo Sakurai
    University of Kitakyushu

    Susan M. Schelble
    University of Colorado Denver

    Chuanbing Tang
    University of South Carolina

    Nicolay V. Tsarevsky
    Southern Methodist University

    James C. Tung
    Lacamas Laboratories

    Keith Vitense
    Cameron University

    David Ransom Williams
    Indiana University

    Zakiya S. Wilson-Kennedy
    Louisiana State University

    Robert C. Wingfield, Jr.
    Fisk University

    Martin T. Zanni
    University of Wisconsin–Madison

    Peter Zarras
    Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division.



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