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ACS News

Reactions: Future of C&EN and more representative ads in the magazine

January 28, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 3


Letters to the editor

Future of C&EN

This interim editorship of Michael McCoy (who has a business background) has been long, and the need for an editor with a scientific background is obvious. The need for scientific editing is apparent, and there are many, many examples. Most recently, in the science Concentrates story in the Jan. 8 issue, the story on burying wood to reduce carbon dioxide emissions( page 6) discusses efforts to bury logs in meters-deep trenches and covering them in clay. Nowhere is mentioned the energy requirements to dig the trenches, haul in the logs, cover them, etc. It would seem to exceed any possible benefit of delaying the conversion of wood carbon to atmospheric carbon dioxide. Perhaps the Concentrates section is too concentrated to allow for this discussion.

The interim editor in chief has described to readers the tennis racket he uses, the car he drives, and other sundry items of minimal interest. In the Jan. 8 editorial, he offers his New Year’s resolutions for C&EN. He concludes with the hope that his successor adopt his resolutions. I would hope that Nick Ishmael-Perkins will enter his new position with his own resolve rather than that of his predecessor. And being able to give the fine reporters an assist when required.

And yes, chemistry Nobel laureates deserve cover photos, not the American Chemical Society president.

Landis W. Doner
Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania


Ads in C&EN

I am contacting you with respect to ads that have appeared repeatedly in Chemical & Engineering News for American Chemical Society career services, including the Coaching and Feedback course. In an era of diversity and inclusion, it occurs to me that the silhouettes appearing in these ads are consistently male and do not appear to reflect much by way of ethnic diversity. For example, see pages 19 and 24 in the Jan. 8, 2024, C&EN. Perhaps it is time to update and diversify these images to better serve the overall ACS membership. I leave the means and method to the artists. Thanks for your consideration.

Glenn Trischan
Brown Deer, Wisconsin



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