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For president-elect: Mukund S. Chorghade

by Mukund S. Chorghade, candidate for president-elect
September 7, 2024 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 102, Issue 28


Mukund Chorghade.
Credit: Courtesy of the ACS Office of the Secretary & General Counsel
Mukund Chorghade

Princeton Section. THINQ Pharmaceuticals and Ayurvidya Healthcare Innovations, Hillsborough, New Jersey.

Academic record: University of Mumbai, Chemistry, DSc, 2021; Harvard University, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1984–85; University of Virginia, Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1982–84; Georgetown University, PhD, 1983; University of Pune, MSc 1973, BSc, 1971.

Honors: DSc Honoris Causa, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research 2024; Industry Academy, International Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance, Fellow, 2024; National Academy of Sciences, India, Foreign Fellow, 2023; International Faculty of Eminence on the International Advisory Board of Studies, 2023; Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research; American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow; ACS Fellow; American Institute of Chemists, Life Fellow; Health Sciences Collegium, Life Fellow; Indian Chemical Society, Life Fellow; Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists, Overseas Life Fellow; Indian Society of Bio-Organic Chemists, Fellow; International Board for Education Research and Development -IBERD, Life Fellow; IUPAC, Fellow; Pharmaceutical Royal International Society-PRISAL, Fellow; RSC, Fellow and Chartered Chemist; Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Fellow and Chartered Chemist; Sigma Xi, Fellow; World Innovation Foundation, Fellow; Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer, 2022–24; Acharya J.C. Ghosh and J.C. Bardhan Awards, Indian Chemical Society, 2020–21; Visiting Fellow “Shri D. M. Trivedi Lecture in Green Chemistry and Technology”, 2021–22; Professor V.M. Kulkarni Fellow in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), 2018–19; Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN) and United Nations Development, Consultant; GIAN Fellow India, 2019; “Alkyl Amines Padma Bhushan Prof. B.D. Tilak Chemcon, 2002 Distinguished Speaker Award,” IChemE; “Diamond Jubilee Fellowship”, University Department of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India, 1999; B.D. Tilak Distinguished Visiting Fellowship, University of Bombay; ACS Henry Hill Awardee, NESACS, 2014; “Bharat Gaurav Award, Bhartiya Prawasi Diwas, 2008; Academies: Maharashtra Academy of Sciences, Overseas Fellow; Andhra Pradesh and Telengana Academy of Sciences, Foreign Fellow; Fulbright Specialist Award, 2015–21.

Professional positions (for the past 10 years): Founder and CSO: THINQ Pharma, 2002–present, Ayurvidya Healthcare Innovations, 2020–present, Apinovo Pharma Innovations, 2020–23; CSO: Chicago Discovery Solutions, 2010–16; Empiriko and AGN Biofuels, 2010–15; Chief Scientific Advisor, Advisory Board, and Board Member: QualiSense, 2024–present, Empiriko, 2021–present, YewSavin USA, Inc., 2021–present, DY PATIL International University, Pune, 2024, Athena Foundation, 2024; Siksha O Anusandhan University (SOA), 2024; Molecular Maker Laboratory Institute, 2021–present, Mumbai University Center for International Students and Linkages, 2022, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Education and Workforce Development, American Pharmaceutical Services, 2021–23, Nirvana Water Sciences, 2019–23, Clearsynth, 2020–present, BVG Life Sciences, 2023–present; Envision Biotech, Civenti Chem, OrgSyn Laboratories, ROW2, 2006–18; Faculty, Adjunct Research Professor, Visiting Fellow, and Visiting Scientist appointments: Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research, Caltech, Harvard University, MIT, Princeton, Rutgers, University of Chicago, Northwestern, Northeastern University, Boston College, Cambridge, Leeds, University of Strathclyde, ICT, NCL, IICT, ICT, KHRC, Savitribai Phule Pune University, University of Mumbai, India.

Service in ACS national offices: Division of Small Chemical Businesses: Chair, 2014–15, 2010–11, Alternate Councilor, 2024–26, 2019–22, 2016–18, Member, 2006–present; Division of Professional Relations, Member, 2006–present; Committee on Science, Awards Subcommittee Chair, Member, 2011–13, Associate, 2010; Awards and Fellowships for National Medal of Science and Technology, Subcommittee Chair; Committee on International Activities, Member, 2004–09, associate, 2002–03; ACS Division(s): History of Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Professional Relations; Small Chemical Businesses; Princeton LS; Northeastern Section.

Service in ACS offices: Princeton Section: 2018–present, Chair, 2019, Member-at-Large, 2023–present; Brazosport Section: Chair, 1991; Northeastern Section: Chair, 2007–08, Public Services/Public Affairs Committee, Chair, Publications Committee, Member; Northeastern Section: member, 1997–2017; “The Nucleus,” Editor, 2004; Editorial Advisory Board for “Organic Process Research and Development” and “Chimica Oggi,” Member.

Member: Member of ACS since 1982. National Academy of Sciences; American Association for the Advancement of Science; American Institute of Chemists: International Activities and Technology, Director and Member; Health Sciences Collegium; Indian Chemical Society; Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists; IUPAC: Scientific Program Committee, Chair, 1996, Member and Assc. Member of USNC, Div. VII Committee on Human Health, Medicinal Chemistry, Commissions on Biotechnology, New Technologies and Special Topics, and Chemical Education; RSC: Process Chemistry and Technology Committee Group, Chair, US Representative, 2018–20, Process Development Committee, Co-Chair; Massachusetts Biotechnology Council; Royal Australian Chemical Institute; New York Academy of Sciences; Sigma Xi; World Innovation Foundation; Indian Society of Bio-Organic Chemists; Maharashtra Academy of Sciences; Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Academy of Sciences; Foreign Fellow; Pharmaceutical Royal International Society (PRISAL); International Board for Education Research and Development.

Related activities: ACS Tour Speaker Program; ACS Career Consultant Program, Chemical Entrepreneurship Council; Reviewer of manuscripts for leading professional journals; US Organizing Committee, Chair, ACS-CSIR Symposium, Pune + Hyderabad; Published 2 volume text on Drug Discovery and Development, book chapters, and papers. “New Projects Teams” on Naturaceuticals, Project Leader; Glossaries of Terms used in Process Chemistry and Training in Medicinal Chemistry in South-East Asia. 20th IUPAC Conference on the Chemistry of Natural Products, Chicago.

Chorghade’s statement

I am delighted, elated, and honored to be a candidate for president-elect of the American Chemical Society. I have been an ACS member for 43 years and humbly ask for your guidance, “chemraderie,” and your vote as we work together to establish functional, knowledge-collaborative, networks in the triad of academia, government, and industry. I am a serial entrepreneur, experienced executive, and winner of three industrial Scientist of the Year awards; my forte is innovation and creativity in problem-solving. An ardent cheerleader for chemistry, irreproachable ethics, unimpeachable integrity, and open communication are core values I treasure. I pledge unstinted support to the ACS community I love; I relish sharing expertise, knowledge, learning, and inspiration with colleagues. I am a guide by the side, not a sage on stage; I teach what I know and learn what I do not. We will rejoice together and spread the credo: “innovate, inspire and be inspirational” wherever the transforming power of chemistry is applied to new modalities for discovery, development, and uplift of global societies and civilizations.

Industry-Academia-Government collaboration: Chemistry touches all aspects of life: from our smart phone, the food we eat, the clothing we wear, or medicines we take. Chemistry is an enormous scientific endeavor with practical applications that provide solutions to complex problems, improved quality of life, and extended life- expectancy. We must unite to continually provide economically feasible, environmentally friendly, and technologically advanced solutions. I commit to energizing the ACS ecosystem by establishing vibrant foundations for academia, industry, government collaborations, and enabling entrepreneurship to thrive. I will work to ensure that chemistry-based solutions are at the forefront of industries’ problems rather than an afterthought. As an entrepreneur-chemist, I developed breakthrough technologies with sophisticated vibrant collaboration with academic institutions, government, and faculty. The development of technology with the sterling assistance of graduate students and postdocs was noteworthy. At Empiriko, our in-vitro chemosynthetic liver technology mirrors the structure, function, and in-vivo metabolism of liver enzymes (cytochromes P450), to predict human metabolism patterns and profiles. This sterically protected and electronically activated metalloporphyrin platform generates quantities of metabolites needed for toxicologic, pathologic, histopathologic, or genotoxic testing to accelerate drug discovery and development. It offers unique complementary technology to present-day methods while reducing overall costs and the necessity of animal experimentation. To successfully build and scale, I established partnerships with Northeastern University and Harvard University. Empiriko developed a personalized diagnostics platform for drug and disease home monitoring in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT Lincoln Laboratory. I successfully replicated the model at THINQ Pharmaceuticals and Ayurvidya Healthcare Innovations. Technological innovation accelerates economic growth when research talent from academia is paired with government, industry expertise, and investment. The combined resources have a multiplier effect, transferring innovative technologies from laboratory and mind to the market.

International activities and global outreach: Throughout my professional life, I researched, worked, and taught, in the US, Europe, and India to establish innovative businesses. I enthusiastically promote innovation, and communication to educate, ennoble, and entertain. I assist scientists, young, old, shy, and bold. I will organize a task force and summit of world leaders of chemistry-based societies to collect perspectives and chart future directions. Symposia organized in the US, UK, Europe, and India will enable ACS members, of all education levels, from Alaska to Australia, to form bonds of friendship from “C to shining C.” ACS will gain refreshingly insightful perspectives from the wisdom and innovation of assembled collaborators.

Goals for ACS presidency: My contributions to ACS include entrepreneurship, career counseling, symposia organization, moderation, and presentation. I will expand on these as president. My aim is to elevate ACS to new heights in the international scientific community by enhancing productive collaborations among government, academia, and industry in our international societies. We enjoy credibility and trust; we must be a singular resource for technical discoveries and progression of ideas. I am committed to collaborating with members on pathways to ameliorate-eradicate negative public perceptions towards chemistry and chemists. We must be an inclusive unifying community of scholars with a persuasive collective voice of encouragement, experience, expertise, insightful rationale, inspiration, optimism, and wisdom. Worthy goals include refining education, accreditation, tackling unemployment, and defining entrepreneurial initiatives. I have designed entrepreneurship education and stimulation programs; I am dedicated to promoting improved entrepreneurship through requisite training and mentorship. Our teamwork will offer a vision, perchance to dream, and motivation to explore new vistas and ventures to enhance our global presence and the public image of chemistry. I am ready for the challenge of ensuring that our dreams reach fruition.

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