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Romania American Chemical Society International Chemical Sciences Chapter celebrates 10 years

by Raluca-Ioana Stefan-Van Staden, Romania ACS International Chemical Sciences Chapter
November 23, 2023 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 101, Issue 39


The Romania American Chemical Society International Chemical Sciences Chapter was approved by the ACS Board of Directors in 2013. This fall, the chapter, along with the Romanian Chemical Society, celebrates 10 years of promoting chemistry as science and art.

The international chapter has organized seminars in conjunction with the Romanian Academy and hosted an ACS on Campus symposium in partnership with the Politehnica University of Bucharest. They have also helped coorganize the International Conference on Analytical Chemistry series of conferences since 2014. One of the chapter’s main activities is hosting an ACS Chemistry Festival each year. Marilena Ferbinteanu Cimpoesu coordinates the event, partnering with universities and research institutes. In Romania, the festival has become popular, attracting over 900 youth yearly.

The chapter committee has established awards for excellence over the years named for distinguished Romanian chemists, such as Maria Brezeanu for inorganic chemistry, George-Emil Baiulescu for analytical chemistry, Cristofor Simionescu for macromolecular chemistry, Ioan Tanasescu for organic chemistry, Eugen Segal for physical chemistry, and Constantin Luca for young researchers in the field of analytical chemistry. A few of the chemists who have received these awards are as follows: Marius Andruh, Bogdan C. Simionescu, Gary Hieftje, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, Adam T. Woolley, Virgil Percec, Valeria Harabagiu, Peter J. Stang, and Maria Zaharescu.

The chapter plans to continue to promote excellence in chemistry through these awards and highlight the beauty of chemistry through its activities.


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