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The Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM 2004) will take place Sept. 29–Oct. 2 at the Fort Worth Plaza Hotel in Fort Worth, Texas.
SWRM 2004 is seeking papers for its technical program. The following symposia are planned: application of virtual HTS; bacterial biofilms; calixarenes: molecular encapsulation; chemical principles in understanding biology, chemistry, and the law; chemists as entrepreneurs; computational chemistry; environmental responsibility: green chemistry in industry; perspectives on the history of chemistry; medical product development; physical-chemical properties of allergens; nanotechnology; optoelectronic properties of transition-metal complexes; surfactants and surface activity; synthetic organic chemistry; metal binding to proteins and nucleic acids; and the design and testing of antimicrobial compounds. Questions should be directed to program cochair Connie Hendrickson at
General sessions in organic, analytical, inorganic, and physical chemistry, as well as biochemistry, are open for submitted papers. The organizers reserve the right to assign papers to either a presentation or a poster session.
The chemical education symposium will present topics on research in chemical education, today's best practices in chemistry education, preparing future teachers, assessing the value of academic laboratories, interdisciplinary chemistry, and exploring molecular visualization.
On Saturday, Oct. 2, SWRM has scheduled a K–12 "Chemical Education Day" that will feature such topics as weird science: a phenomenological approach to teaching; the dead chemists society presents: from molecules to bowling balls; rediscovery of the elements; using movies to teach chemistry to the global learner; teaching chemistry using discrepant events; and using Journal of Chemical Education classroom activities.
There will be a Student Affiliates Program as well as programs in conjunction with the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC) and the Women Chemists Committee (WCC). Students wishing to present posters should submit their abstracts online at
SWRM will also present an exposition of products and services. Anyone interested in exhibiting should contact the SWRM exposition chair, Gaylord King, at for more information.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is July 25. Advance registration will remain open until Sept. 1. A block of rooms has been reserved for SWRM attendees at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. To book a room, please call the hotel directly at (817) 335-7000 and mention that you will be attending SWRM 2004.
Please visit the SWRM 2004 website at or the ACS Office of Regional Meetings site at for more details and to keep up with programs and events as they are scheduled.
The 36th Great Lakes Regional Meeting (GLRM), taking place Oct. 17–20, will be held at the Père Marquette Hotel in downtown Peoria, Ill. The conference site is within walking distance of the riverfront and its restaurants, cultural and sports activities, and shopping. The theme of the meeting is "Formulate Your Future." Abstract submissions are sought from professional industrial, government, and academic chemists as well as undergraduate and graduate students, in all areas of chemistry. Please specify your preference for oral or poster presentation.
Plenary symposia include entrepreneurship in the chemical sciences, agricultural chemistry and technology, the future of chemical education in the Great Lakes region, and carbohydrate structure and function. The meeting will feature selected symposia that focus on alternate fuels and bioenergy, biocatalysis, lipid oxidation, organic synthetic methodology, organophosphorous chemistry, preparation and characterization of nanomaterials, and polyoxometalate chemistry.
Submissions are requested in the areas of agricultural chemistry and technology; chemical education; chemical health and safety; and computational, green, inorganic, medicinal, natural product, organic, physical, analytical, biological, and carbohydrate chemistry.
The meeting opens on Sunday afternoon with a joint program with the American Oil Chemists' Society, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), and the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE).
Attendees can participate in professional development workshops in the areas of chemical health and safety, K-8 education, career development, and analytical chemistry. The extensive program for student affiliates and younger chemists includes a student poster session and mixer, an ice cream social, and networking events.
Special events include a riverboat cruise and awards banquet to honor the winners of the ACS Regional Industrial Innovation Award, the Regional Award for High School Chemistry Teaching, the NCAUR Outstanding Student Research Award, the Illinois Heartland Chemist of the Year Award, and a special Lifetime Achievement Award. Several tours of local industries, government labs, and a new academic science building will also be offered.
The online abstract program closes on Aug. 15; advance registration closes Sept. 27. Submit abstracts online, register, or download registration forms to fax or mail through the GLRM 2004 website, Visit the website for periodic updates on the program. For more information, contact the technical program chairs, Jim Kenar ( or Vicki Finkenstadt (
GLRM 2004 has reserved a block of rooms at the Père Marquette Hotel, the site of the meeting. Register by phone at (800) 447-1676. The hotel registration deadline is Sept. 17.
The 39th Midwest Regional Meeting (MWRM), which takes place Oct. 20–22, will be hosted by the ACS Kansas State University Section and will be held at the Manhattan Holiday Inn & Holidome Convention Center, in Kansas. The convention center is within a short drive of the Kansas State University campus. The meeting will feature poster sessions, a number of technical symposia, and a meeting-long program emphasizing research at undergraduate institutions. Abstract submissions are sought from undergraduate and graduate students and professional industrial and academic chemists.
General symposia in the areas of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry are planned. Special symposia include those on nanoscale materials, environmental chemistry, crystal engineering, sol-gel chemistry, drug discovery, electronic structure theory, and undergraduate research. When submitting an abstract, please specify your preference for an oral or poster presentation.
Some of the special events planned include a visit by ACS President-Elect William F. Carroll Jr. on the opening day of the meeting. There will also be an extensive undergraduate program, including a visit to the Kansas State campus and its chemistry department on Wednesday, Oct. 20; a dinner and eminent scientist lecture that evening; and a special symposium on research at undergraduate institutions on Friday, Oct. 22. Travel grants are available to undergraduates attending the meeting who are also giving posters or oral presentations. A graduate school fair will be held throughout the meeting in the exposition hall, and career workshops will be offered on Thursday, Oct. 21. The ACS Midwest Regional Award will be presented at a reception and banquet on Thursday.
Online abstract submission closes on Aug. 15. Submit abstracts online through the MWRM 2004 website at; electronic registration may also be accessed through this site. Please visit the website for periodic updates on the program.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Manhattan Holiday Inn. Reserve a room by calling (785) 539-5311 or (800) 465-4329. The advance reservation deadline is midnight, Sept. 24.
For additional information, contact Dan Higgins, the general chair, at (785) 532-6371 or or Vince Ortiz, the program chair, at (785) 532-6071 or Both may also be contacted by mail at Department of Chemistry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.
The 39th Western Regional Meeting (WRM) will be held Oct. 27–30 at the DoubleTree Hotel, Sacramento, Calif., and centers around the theme "A Capital Idea." Featured symposia include biotechnology as an enabling science, rational design for drug discovery and development, proteomics, expression and purification strategies, agriculture and food, and nutrigenomics and metabolemics. Philip Eaton will be the keynote speaker at a symposium on diesel emissions and air quality, which is being sponsored by the coordinating committee of the ACS California sections to address chemical concerns and solutions in the area.
WRM 2004 is seeking papers in the areas of biotechnology; chemical education; analytical, environmental, physical, polymer, inorganic, and organic chemistry; and materials science. The online abstract program closes on Aug. 22. Papers must be submitted through the meeting website at Please specify your preference for an oral or poster presentation.
A full day of programming for undergraduate students is planned for Friday, Oct. 29, and will include several workshops, discussion groups, and career-oriented programs; a luncheon; a poster session/networking social featuring ice cream prepared with liquid nitrogen; and an evening program that offers a fun look at chemistry in the movies.
ACS President Charles P. Casey will be present at an opening reception on Wednesday evening, Oct. 27. A Women Chemists Committee luncheon and an awards banquet will be held on Oct. 28. On Saturday, Oct. 30, WRM 2004 and the California Association of Chemistry Teachers will host a special teacher development and chemical education program titled "Chemistry in the Life of Your Students."
The meeting will also include an exposition featuring equipment, publications, and services of interest to attendees. Several exhibitors will be hosting workshops during the meeting. Visit the WRM 2004 website at for details.
The DoubleTree Sacramento, the site of the meeting, has a block of rooms available to attendees at a rate of $110 per night, single or double. Call the hotel directly at (916) 929-8855 to make a reservation.
For additional information, visit the WRM website or contact the general chair, Janan Hayes, at (209) 384-6345 or
The 33rd Northeast Regional Meeting, scheduled for Oct. 31–Nov. 3, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and the Rochester Riverside Convention Center in downtown Rochester, N.Y. ACS's Northeast Region spans the area from Boston to Buffalo and includes chemists, technicians, and teachers from a variety of industries and academic institutions, ranging from high school to prominent research universities.
Attendees will be able to hear and discuss technical papers, attend poster sessions, and visit an exhibition with more than 75 vendors expected. The ACS Chemical Education, Chemical Information, Chemical Technicians, and Polymer Chemistry Divisions are also participating. The Women Chemists Committee, Younger Chemists Committee, and the Northeast Region Chromatography Discussion Group will conduct special sessions.
A full program for undergraduates has been planned and includes paper presentations, posters, panel discussions on career paths for students nearing graduation, and a forum on graduate school. Undergraduates will be able to participate in a public event at the Rochester Museum & Science Center and stay for an exclusive undergraduate mixer. The mixer will include admission to the museum and pizza.
The last day of the meeting will feature a special symposium for secondary school science teachers. There will be a workshop, presentations, and educational display tables to provide participants with information for their development programs and new ideas to take back to the classroom. Entries from Chemagination, a science essay and poster contest for high school chemistry students, will be displayed and high school science students will be invited to view this presentation.
Abstract submissions are sought in the areas of analytical chemistry, nanotechnology, imaging, polymer chemistry, physical chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, biological chemistry, organic light-emitting diodes, ionic solvents, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry.
Symposium topics include materials characterization, surface analytical methods, nanostructured materials, chemical technicians' diverse careers, entertainment imaging, advanced polymer materials, NMR spectroscopy of polymers, molecular wires and devices, biosensors and molecular recognition, ionic liquids, biopolymers and mimetics, surface modification for coating and dispersion technology, crystal size and morphology control, and regional winners of the Industrial Innovation Award.
Please submit abstracts online via the meeting website,, through Aug. 22 at midnight EST. Visit the website periodically for program updates.
Many other activities are planned for NERM 2004. Ticketed events will include two dinners, a Halloween Banquet and a Presidential Gala; the Retired Chemists Luncheon; and two opportunities to attend a luncheon and tour at the Susan B. Anthony House. As a special feature, members of the ACS presidential succession from Eli M. Pearce to William F. Carroll Jr. (including Immediate Past-President Elsa Reichmanis and current President Charles P. Casey) will be the keynote speakers at these events. There will be a District Director's Breakfast and an Election Day Breakfast, both free to meeting attendees.
For additional information, contact the program chair, Joan Williams, at
NERM 2004 has reserved a block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. To receive a discounted rate, follow the hotel link from the NERM 2004 website.
The ACS North Carolina Section will host the 56th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), which will be held on Nov. 10–13. The meeting will take place in Research Triangle Park at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center, near the Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
SERMACS 2004 and the Two-Year College Chemistry Committee (2YC3) of the Division of Chemical Education have agreed to a joint meeting with shared programming. Registrants for both groups will be able to participate in all the programming presented.
Highlights of the meeting will include a symposium and banquet honoring Ernest Eliel; symposia on frontiers in chemistry and medicine (sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline) and teaching organic chemistry at two-year colleges; and a plenary lecture featuring John Fenn, 2002 Chemistry Nobel Laureate.
The program will include some 32 special events, symposia, and workshops. Invited symposia include the following: complex fluids; composition of atmospheric particulate matter; mercury immobilization in soil and water; new developments in textiles: can they really do that?; bioactivities of phytochemicals: health promotion, human nutrition, and food supply; green chemistry and manufacturing; nanoscale materials: synthesis and application development; chemical education; drugs in drinking water--what can we see, what can we remove, what can we risk?; automation for the chemical laboratory; chemistry and the law: ensuring the effective protection of innovative chemical technology; protein characterization by mass spectrometry; structural motifs of nucleic acids and their application; structure/property relationships in solid-state chemistry; molecular chirality: theory, synthesis, and spectroscopy; application of NMR to structural genomics; the human genome project: impact on the drug discovery process; chirality and stereochemistry: a historical perspective; polymers in confined environments; advances in chromatography; and chemical sensors: new frontiers.
Contributed sessions will include biochemistry and medicinal chemistry; chemical education; environmental and public health issues; materials chemistry; and analytical, inorganic, organic, polymer, and physical chemistry.
There will be workshops on computational chemistry for educators and undergraduates, WebAssign for chemistry teachers/faculty, teaching chemical information, and how to become a more effective chemical hygiene officer. The ACS Office of Career Services will present several workshops and hold a regional employment clearinghouse on-site. Recommendations from a recent Undergraduate Research Summit in Chemistry will be presented.
Other special events will include a Younger Chemists Committee/Senior Chemists Committee joint mixer with an ACS tour speaker; a Women Chemists Committee luncheon featuring Victoria Haynes, president of Research Triangle Institute, the centerpiece of Research Triangle Park; the ACS Regional Industrial Innovation Award; a graduate school fair; a "Thriving in the Workplace Road Show"; and a forum for undergraduate student presentations and posters. Students are requested to submit their papers to the online abstract system.
An exposition will take place during the first two days of the meeting. For information on exhibiting, contact the exhibits chair, John Hines, at
Submit abstracts, download forms, or register in advance through the SERMACS 2004 website,, and visit the website for periodic updates on the program. Online abstract submission is currently open and will close on Sept. 5.
SERMACS 2004 has reserved a block of rooms at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center. Call (919) 941-5050 or visit id=0404051642&key=A296F to register. The registration deadline is Oct. 18.
For more information, contact the general chair, Sol Levine, at Members of 2YC3 are encouraged to submit a stracts and to register for the meeting at the SERMACS site. All participants attending social functions are responsible for purchasing tickets to these events when they register.
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