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Divisions Issue Calls for Papers

September 12, 2005 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 83, Issue 37

Calls for papers for the spring 2006 ACS national meeting (March 26–30) have been issued. The preliminary program for the meeting in Atlanta will be published in the Jan. 30, 2006, issue of C&EN; the technical program will be in the March 6, 2006, issue. The society bylaw governing presentation of papers appears below.

ACS’s Online Abstract Submittal System (OASYS) will open on Sept. 12 for Atlanta abstracts. Please visit OASYS at In the event that electronic submission is not possible, copies of the ACS standard abstract form are available from the Office of Society Services by calling (800) 227-5558. They also are available from all ACS technical division secretaries; from committee program chairs; and from the Department of Awards & Division Programs, American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; phone (202) 872-4401, fax (202) 776-8211, e-mail:

“Handbook for Speakers,” ACS Bulletin No. 8, also is available from the Department of Awards & Division Programs and the Office of Society Services. Write to Office of Society Services, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; or phone (800) 227-5558.

Society bylaw governing papers Bylaw VI, Sec. 6 governs presentation at society meetings.

a. The term “paper” shall include any scientific presentation that can be reduced to writing.

b. No paper shall be presented at a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting unless its title and author(s) appear on the program for the meeting. However, the President, with the concurrence of either the Chair of the Board of Directors or the Vice-Chair of the Council Policy Committee, may authorize an extraordinary symposium at a national meeting provided that

(1) the symposium has as its primary focus significant scientific developments too recent for programming deadlines, and

(2)the request for authorization for such a symposium has been made jointly by a member of the Society and one of the following: the Chair of a relevant Division of the Society, the Chair of the Committee on Divisional Activities, or the Chair of the Committee on Science.

c. No paper by a chemical scientist residing in the United States who is not a member of the Society shall appear on the program of a national, regional, divisional, or other major meeting of the Society unless it be a joint paper with one or more Society members, or unless for a national, regional, or national-divisional meeting the author has been invited to present the paper at a symposium organized by a Division of the Society or by Sections of the Society, and the Chair of such Division or of the host Section has certified to the Executive Director of the Society prior to publication of the program that presentation by the author of such paper is important to the success of the symposium.

d. Rules corresponding to paragraphs a, b, and c of this section for a cooperative meeting shall be subject to agreement in advance between the organizations concerned but should conform, insofar as possible, to this Bylaw and be subject to approval by the Executive Director of the Society.

e. The Society assumes no responsibility for the statements or opinions expressed by individuals in papers or discussions thereof.

f. The President shall have authority to exclude any paper from a program at any time prior to its scheduled presentation at a meeting of the Society.

Board Regulation VII, No. 3 supplements Bylaw VI, Sec. 6 as follows:

a. Authorship of papers shall be accredited only to individuals and not to companies or laboratories.

b. Therapeutic Papers. It is the policy of the Society to encourage the presentation of chemical papers with pharmacological and physiological aspects but to discourage presentation, by other than qualified clinical investigators, of papers in which clinical interpretations are the principal contribution. Divisions shall adhere to this policy when determining the acceptability of papers for their meeting programs. The Divisions also are urged to exclude from their programs, and especially from any abstracts issued, statements recommending procedures for the treatment of human disease or announcement of any “cures” not confirmed by competent medical authority. Any author contributing a paper that includes discussion of the treatment of human disease must submit for review, by representatives of the appropriate Division, a complete manuscript in addition to an abstract.

NOTES. Submission of papers for presentation at an ACS meeting does not constitute submission for publication in an ACS journal. Regulations for the acceptance of papers to be presented as part of divisional meetings vary for each division. However, publication of papers in ACS journals is based upon the earliest date of receipt of the complete paper by the appropriate editor.

The council has empowered officers of divisions to request any paper in advance, so that it may be passed upon and an indication made to the author as to whether he or she is to read the entire paper or to abstract it to allow time for discussion.

Special attention should be given to the misuse of trade names, secret formulas, or secret processes in papers at national meetings of the society.

It is requested that authors avoid the use of trade names in papers presented at ACS meetings. Chairs are responsible for enforcing this policy.


Online abstract submission is preferred. If Web access is unavailable, submit abstracts to the appropriate division program symposium organizer, not to ACS.

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