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Light Schedule for Council in Philadelphia

July 7, 2008 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 86, Issue 27

When it meets next month in Philadelphia, the ACS Council will act on one petition to change the society's bylaws; elect members of the ACS Committee on Committees, Council Policy Committee, and Committee on Nominations & Elections; take another look at the division funding proposal held over from the last meeting, in New Orleans; and hear the reports of society officers and committee chairs.

The petition is straightforward and continues the overhaul of ACS membership requirements that started with council approval of the Petition on Membership Categories last spring (C&EN, May 5, page 50). The ACS Board confirmed these changes at their meeting last month in Baltimore; the full membership of ACS will vote on them this fall.

Specifically, the petition printed below aims to make society affiliate dues equivalent to member dues.

Following are the text and associated reports of the petition scheduled for action at the ACS Council meeting in Philadelphia. The meeting will be held beginning at 8 AM on Wednesday, Aug. 20, in the Grand Ballroom of the Philadelphia Marriott Hotel.

Petition on Society Affiliate Dues

Bylaw II, Sec. 5, a (prospectively Section 3 if pending amendments are adopted)

We, the undersigned Councilors of the American Chemical Society, hereby petition to amend the SOCIETY Bylaws as follows (additions underlined; deletions struck through):

Bylaw II
Affiliates and Associates
Section 5 a (2)

A Society Affiliate shall retain affiliate status only so long as payment is made of Society Affiliate dues, which shall be 3/4 of equal to the full membership dues., rounded to the nearest dollar. A Society Affiliate shall not be eligible for any of the special dues categories specified elsewhere in these Bylaws. These amendments shall become effective five months after the amendment is confirmed by the Board of Directors.

Note: The addition of ship in membership above is not a part of the current petition. This change in wording is one of the several changes introduced by the Petition on Membership Categories & Requirements passed by Council at the New Orleans meeting, and will become effective if the amendments to the Society's Constitution included in that petition are adopted by the membership of the Society.


Society Affiliates enjoy the same privileges as members, except that they cannot vote for or hold an elective position in the SOCIETY or its Local Sections and Divisions. They are eligible for the same meeting fees and publication subscription rates as members of the SOCIETY. It therefore seems appropriate that they should pay the full member dues. As of the last "official" membership count on December 31, 2006, there were 1,290 Society Affiliates. A five-month delay is specified because dues notices are typically sent out up to four months in advance of the due date, and lead time is required for printing of revised materials.

Signed: Lewis E. Allen, D. Richard Cobb, John C. Crawford, James E. Duddey, Jacqueline A. Erickson, Donna G. Friedman, George E. Heinze, Warren D. Hull Jr., Arthur E. Marcinkowsky, Zaida C. Morales-MartÍnez, Robert W. Morrison Jr., John G. Nikelly, Joseph R. Peterson, James Reynolds, Jason E. Ritchie, Arlyne M. Sarquis, Michael L. Webb, John A. Whittle, Royce S. Woosley

This petition has been referred to the Committee on Membership Affairs (committee having primary substantive responsibility), Committee on Local Section Activities, Committee on Divisional Activities, Council Policy Committee, the Society Committee on Budget & Finance, and the Committee on Constitution & Bylaws.

Final Statement of Financial Impact

The Society Committee on Budget & Finance has examined this petition and concludes that it will have a minor positive impact on the finances of the Society ($0–$100,000).

Final Report of the Committee on Constitution & Bylaws

The Committee on Constitution & Bylaws has reviewed the petition and finds it to be legal and consistent with other provisions of the Society's documents. The petition proposes modification of Bylaw II, Sec. 5 (prospectively Section 3 if pending amendments are adopted).

The objective of the petitioners is to set Society Affiliate dues equal to the (full) membership dues, not subject to any of the discounts otherwise applicable to membership dues. The Committee, in consultation with representatives of the petitioners, has prepared a revised version of the petition. The substance of the petition and the intent of petitioners are maintained.

A request has not been received from a majority of the petitioners to place the original petition on the Council agenda for action if the revised version now before Council is not adopted.

Comments from committees, petitioners and other interested members
on the substance of the petition should
be directed to the Committee on Membership Affairs, which has primary substantive responsibility for the petition. Other comments may be directed to the Committee on Constitution & Bylaws.

A two-thirds vote of Council is required for adoption of amendments to the Bylaws. If adopted by Council, the amendments will become effective five months after confirmation by the Board of Directors.


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