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2013 In Review

by A. Maureen Rouhi
December 23, 2013 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 91, Issue 51

This last issue of 2013 is devoted to a recap of the most significant news, developments, and trends in the chemistry enterprise during the year. Led by the teams of Assistant Managing Editors Amanda Yarnell, Mike McCoy, and Susan Morrissey, we review 2013 from the perspectives, respectively, of our science, business, and government coverage (pages 16, 20, and 26).

Recently, we added a feature in which we look back at some of the chemistry advances we wrote about 10 years ago and report on what has become of them (page 32). Led by Senior Correspondent Steve Ritter, C&EN’s science reporters have been assembling this feature for four years now. Also a recent addition is the potpourri of notable quotes, combined with riveting images, from one year’s reporting. Once again, Senior Editor Carmen Drahl and the art and design team led by Creative Director Rob Bryson offer a spread (Page 30) that artfully conveys some of 2013’s highlights.

The end of the year also is a time of reflection. Foremost in my thoughts is the disaster in the Philippines wrought by Typhoon Haiyan (or Yolanda). Although none of my Philippines-based family was affected, I cannot help grieving over the loss of more than 6,000 lives, the wholesale disappearance of family members for many survivors, and the massive destruction of infrastructure and people’s livelihoods. Yet, I am uplifted by the overwhelming assistance the world has been extending to the devastated country and its people. The generosity and compassion for people who are suffering distress give me much optimism for the future.

As I did last year, I invited C&EN staff to express holiday wishes—for the world, our country, chemistry, their loved ones, and themselves. Here’s what they say, from the personal to the global.

“I wish that I could spend more time with my parents, who live far away from me.”—Linda Wang

“Here’s hoping for a happy and healthy 2014, especially for those of us who forgot to get a flu shot in 2013.”—Jeff Huber

“I wish all our readers peace, health, and happiness in the new year.”—Jyllian Kemsley

“I wish for everyone’s 2013 wish that did not come true to be fulfilled in 2014.”—Renee Zerby

“My wish goes out to future readers of C&EN—for every young person to receive at least one gift that sparks a love of science.”—Melody Bomgardner

“I send wishes for a joyful, magical Christmas season and prayers that the new year will bring hope and opportunity to the many chemists—new and not so new—who have been seeking jobs. May 2014 also bring peace and prosperity to our country.”—Susan Ainsworth

“It’s a tradition in Spain to ring in the New Year by eating 12 grapes in rapid succession, one for each toll of the clock bell. If you can down them all by the final chime, you’ll have good luck. May chemistry’s 2014 grapes be lucky (and seedless).”—Carmen Drahl

“I wish that political leaders begin to listen more to climate scientists and come together to act on that advice. And that in a lab somewhere a chemist develops a medicine to treat small-cell lung cancer that would keep my buddy Dickie alive long enough for him to be at his daughter’s fifth birthday.”—Alex Scott

“I want surprising and uplifting headlines: ‘China’s Air Quality Improves,’ ‘Women’s Rights Make Headway in Afghanistan,’ ‘Novel, Low-Cost Cancer Drug Launched,’ ‘Republicans, Democrats Agree To Work Together,’ ‘Income Inequality Is Reduced,’ and other unexpected and welcome news.”—Jean-François Tremblay

“I wish for the essence of Nelson Mandela to live, grow, and thrive throughout the world.”—Robin Giroux

“May Mandela’s beautiful spirit guide us in the year ahead.”—Sophie Rovner

“I always wish for world peace, and this year is no different.”—William Schulz

And I join Arlene Goldberg-Gist in borrowing the words of the late John Lennon:

Imagine all the people
Living life in peace …
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one

On behalf of my C&EN colleagues, I wish you happy holidays and a great 2014.


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