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Differing Opinions

January 6, 2014 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 92, Issue 1

Dec. 2, 2013, page 32: An article about wrinkle-free cotton incorrectly showed the structure of cellulose chains cross-linked by DMDHEU (red). The corrected structure is shown.

Dec. 9, 2013, page 32: “Analyzing Cannabis” incorrectly stated that Iron Labs is the only marijuana testing laboratory in Michigan. There are multiple marijuana testing labs in that state.

Congratulations to Ann Thayer for a fine review of biosimilars (C&EN, Oct. 7, 2013, page 15). It is the best analysis of the biosimilars market opportunity I have seen.

I take exception, however, to Maureen Rouhi’s editorial, “It’s Over, Until Next Time” (C&EN, Oct. 21, 2013, page 3). Rouhi makes it sound as if Congress has a moral imperative to keep boosting the federal debt ceiling regardless of the costs. Although Republicans in Congress could have handled the situation far better than they did, their Democratic colleagues in Congress and the White House have refused to show enlightened leadership on lowering the staggering deficits of the past four years.

Until we see political leaders of both parties who are willing to put our country’s finances back on a healthy trajectory, we should expect to see more disruptions of the sort Rouhi decries. I have no interest in seeing the U.S. follow the examples of Greece and Italy, kicking the can down the road until the road ends in an abyss.

Ed Robinson
Orr’s Island, Maine

I’m writing regarding the closing sentences of Rouhi’s editorial: “Some members of Congress seem to really want the country to go off the cliff to achieve their vision of small government. If they prevail, it’ll be déjà vu all over again.”

I think it might have been more accurate to say, “Some members of Congress seem to really want the country to go off the cliff to achieve their vision of big government. If they prevail, it’ll be déjà vu all over again.”

Daniel E. Jones
Baton Rouge


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