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ACS News

252nd ACS National Meeting

Philadelphia, Aug. 21–25

by Alexandra Taylor
August 12, 2016 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 94, Issue 31

A photo of a statue in downtown Philadelphia.
Credit: F11Photo/Shutterstock

“Chemistry of the People, by the People, for the People” will be the theme in Philadelphia this August. A plenary session on that topic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 21, from 3 to 6 PM and will feature Willie May of the National Institute of Standards & Technology; Kimberly Prather of the University of California, San Diego; and Rolf Halden of Arizona State University. Many notable symposia are scheduled, including “Science & Human Rights” and “Chemistry in the U.S. & China: Current & Future States of Shared Scientific Interests & Opportunities for Cooperation.”

To download a pdf of the final program for the fall 2016 ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, Aug. 21–25, visit

ACS President Donna Nelson will host 27 technical divisions and five committees in original programming over 860 half-day oral sessions and 145 poster sessions, including Sci-Mix. More than 9,000 papers and nearly 2,800 posters will be presented at the meeting.

Nelson will sponsor several presidential events related to the meeting theme. A symposium to honor the 2016 Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Awards will be held the morning of Sunday, Aug. 21. On Monday, Aug. 22, “Fracking: Economics vs. Environment” will explore the implications of hydraulic fracturing. Details on these and other presidential events can be found at

Many education-focused programs for high school teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and chemical professionals will be offered. A range of professional development courses will be available; ACS Professional Education Short Courses have a separate registration and fee. For job seekers and employers, the career fair will provide opportunities for on-site interviews, one-on-one career assistance, and career-related workshops.

The exposition will feature more than 250 companies showcasing services, instruments, books, and lab equipment in more than 300 booths.

Philadelphia offers a wealth of historic and cultural sites and activities. Stop by the Philadelphia Museum of Art and run up the Rocky Steps, explore offbeat medical marvels at the Mütter Museum, stroll through a maze of mosaics in Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens, or take a step back in time at Independence National Historical Park.

To download a pdf of the final program for the fall 2016 ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, Aug. 21–25, visit


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