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ACS News

Recent actions by the ACS Board

by Linda Wang
January 23, 2017 | A version of this story appeared in Volume 95, Issue 4

At its meeting Dec. 1–3 in Washington, D.C., the American Chemical Society Board of Directors approved a 2017 operating budget with a net contribution of $22.2 million. The board also approved a capital budget of $39.1 million.

The board reelected Pat N. Confalone as board chair for 2017. The board also reelected Barbara A. Sawrey to the board executive committee for a two-year term and Dorothy Phillips to a one-year term.

The board approved a 2017 fundraising goal of $3.0 million and designated the ACS Scholars Program, American Association for Chemistry Teachers, and Project SEED as fundraising priorities for 2017.

The board voted to support a change in the name of the Chemical Heritage Foundation. It also voted to approve a comprehensive set of proposed amendments to the Board Regulations. As part of the amendments, the board eliminated the Committee on Grants & Awards and transferred its duties to the Committee on Professional & Member Relations and ACS staff.

In other news, the board approved the establishment of the China National Capital Area (JingJinJi), South Western China, and Iraq International Chemical Science Chapters. It also approved resolutions celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, 150th anniversary of the German Chemical Society, 100th anniversary of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and 175th anniversary of the Royal Society of Chemistry; approved the Biennial Public Policy Priorities Document; endorsed the framework of the Global Chemists’ Code of Conduct; and adopted ACS’s Chemical Professional’s Code of Conduct.

Finally, the board approved the 2017 ACS Strategic Plan, which highlights new core values that include safety and ethics and broadens the language of several goals.

The December board and committee reports are available at The strategic plan is available at


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