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Showcasing the beauty of chemistry, chemical engineering, and related sciences.

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Painting pigments

Painting pigments

August 30, 2024
Waterless reflux

Waterless reflux

August 22, 2024
Literal tons of helium

Literal tons of helium

August 13, 2024
Pharma photography

Pharma photography

August 7, 2024
Colorful plasma

Colorful plasma

July 10, 2024
En garde

En garde

July 3, 2024
Hazmat training

Hazmat training

June 18, 2024
Color coordination

Color coordination

June 11, 2024
Synthetic stone

Synthetic stone

May 28, 2024
Quantum cool

Quantum cool

May 21, 2024
Crystal stars

Crystal stars

May 15, 2024
Crown of thorns

Crown of thorns

May 3, 2024
Nitric acid acts upon copper

Nitric acid acts upon copper

Chemical curiosity crosses three centuries
April 16, 2024
Patterning that rubs the right way

Patterning that rubs the right way

Fluoropolymers power precise particle placement
April 9, 2024

PAH lava lamp

April 4, 2024
NMR bouquet

NMR bouquet

April 2, 2024
Bugs make buckyballs

Bugs make buckyballs

March 23, 2024
Volcano in a bottle

Volcano in a bottle

March 14, 2024
Toxin testing ring

Toxin testing ring

March 6, 2024
Chemical calliope

Chemical calliope

February 29, 2024
Uranium duck

Uranium duck

February 21, 2024
Mercurial heart

Mercurial heart

February 13, 2024
Ice cloud

Ice cloud

January 25, 2024
Column colors

Column colors

January 18, 2024
Blue marble

Blue marble

January 9, 2024
Secret code

Secret code

January 4, 2024